Chapter Twenty Two - Con the Con Artist

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I sat on the sofa sluggishly. I had been feeling of for weeks yet I didn't know why. My physical was fine and I was back to work. I had an appointment booked for tomorrow morning.

"Everything okay?" Neal asked sitting down next to me

"Yeah fine. Just off. I know I had a physical but I'm seeing the doctor to get a second opinion. I'm sure it's nothing and I'm just adjusting to being back in the field." I brush it off "So now we have a ceiling. When are you telling Peter?"

"Soon, now that we've narrowed it down. we can do it the right way."


"Hey, Neal are you awake?" that is what woke up. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. What time was it? I don't remember my alarm going off.

"What are you doing here so early?" Neal grumbled talking to his father.

"Guess you didn't get Peter's call." James replied. I huffed and sat my self up

"What time is it? I groaned grabbing my phone seeing I had a missed call and text from Peter.

"Uh, no I was sleeping."

"We were sleeping, it's what people do." I state a little louder then grabbed one of Neal t-shirts and my leggings that I was wearing

"Hello, Kara. I thought you might be here. I brought coffee." I came out

"Yet you walked straight in. Charming. Peter called a meeting an urgent one." I retorted "Who else is coming.

"Greeting fellow conspirators" Mozzie entered

"I should have seen that one coming." i glance at Neal "Now all we need is Peter." seek and ye shall find. He came through.

"Peter, why did you call the party crashers." I grumbled in annoyance getting out of bed and taking the coffee.

"Listen, whatever plan you have to get the evidence box..." Peter started

"We don't have a plan." Neal retorted

"Well you better get one." Peter replied seemingly anxious

"Why?" I question

"Two hours from now an FBI Team will be heading into he Empire estate building and they won't leave until they find that evidence box. We need to find it first." he informed us

"You told Calloway about the box." Neal was annoyed

"That means Pratt knows too." Mozzie added

"Now what matters is that she doesn't know what floor it's on. Now, I'm heading the FBI team. I can control the pace . How long will it take you to get the box?" Peter injured

"No seriously, they don't have a plan. They thought they had time and you were gonna be looped in." I explain

"We don't, Pratt's already in Manhattan by now. He told Calloway a different version of what we're gonna find." Peter carried on. Neal sat down and pulled me on to his lap

"What is he saying?" Neal wondered

"That it will implicate James." Peter answered

"He's a lying son of a bitch. There is nothing in that box that will implicate me." Oh-kay. i turned my head to Mozzie. We both had the same think though protest to much.

"We'll get their first."

"I'll brief my team as soon as I leave."

"What about me?" Neal thought

"You are benched and Kara already booked the morning off so she's all yours." Peter replied

"Okay then let's come up with a plan."

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