Chapter Nineteen - The Big L

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Over exertion I fainted because I over exerted myself and my field test was moved back because of it. But that didn't beat the cold war between Neal and Peter  that I was now in the middle of. My doorbell rang  and I opened it. Neal was stood there.

"Oh no. Not today." I went to shut the door but he stopped me doing so.


"No, I'm not in the mood for apologies. I'm off work again because you couldn't resist dragging me into one of your off book things. And then, and then you have the hump because your new buddy Sam ditched you because he's more paranoid that Mozzie and that's saying something. We said truth and trust Neal. Truth and trust. I trust you not to keep me out and to tell me the truth. But no, you have to be lone wolf as usual. Then you start a cold war with Peter and i'm in the middle,now piss off." I slam the door in his face.

-3rd Person-

"Damn it." Neal curses hitting the door then walking away. He headed back home where Sam and Mozzie were waiting

"So, did Kara slam the door in your face? I only presume because she hasn't lived up to the promise of shooting you where it hurts. Kara is Neal's girlfriend and FBI Agent. Long story."

"your dating an Agent."

"That's none of your business." Neal grumbled "Back to the point."


I needed to move. I was told to rest rest everyone and their mum is coming to my door.

"Neal I swear...." i stopped "Peter, sorry come in." I stepped aside

"I know you're supposed to be resting. But I wanted to talk with you. I found out that Sam Phelps retired to a boat in Florida. So I reached out to gather more info, Florida confirmed that Sam Phelps was a ward of the state."

"Was?" I picked up on

"Sam Phelps has been dead for three years." he informed me and I saw red. I grabbed my credentials and badge. "Kara, Kara no." he held me back

"No, that son of a bitch is lying to Neal and disturbing the peace. I'll disturb his peace."

"Do you really think going in there all guns blazing and when you've been discharged a week is gonna help anything? No, I'm gonna tell him and your gonna calm down and relax. But you needed to know so when Neal comes...."

"I don't slam the door in his face. Damn it."


I knocked on Neal's door and waited he opened it and I gave a small wave.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. But I'm not sorry for helping Peter in any way that I could to make sure you were safe." I stated


"Yeah, I think we're at that stage where well protect each other even if it means the other has a raging mood because of it. New milestone." I nod sheepishly. He stood aside and let me in.

"I'm guessing Peter told you about Sam being a possible Fake."

"That's one way to put it. But yeah he did and I was ready to storm round here with my gun." I admitted "you know I have had two previous relationships slash boyfriends prior to you. And yet you are the only one to provoke such a reaction. Every time."

"I'm flattered"

"Not a compliment an observation." I clarified "I want to trust you, I want to be there for you, I want us to be a couple but it's not easy. And it's not because your a C.I and i'm a Agent. It's because of how we deal with things. I'm am or at least try to be above board, legal and due process, go through the motions that kind of thing. You  are below board seek something to exploit and exploit it. Illegally. But Neal you always get caught, every time and it doesn't work anymore. Keeping secrets from those who are supposed to trust you is gonna get you burnt and I don't want that to happen.

I don't because I love you Neal Caffrey." his posture slackened "I freaking love you and it drives me fucking crazy. It is crazy because you are the complete opposite of me." I sigh

"I get that you need to hold onto Ellen because she is your family she was practically a second mom to you but meeting, talking, sharing and trusting someone you don't know because Ellen gave you a name is not the smart thing. It is not the Neal Caffrey thing. The Neal Caffrey I know and love wouldn't be as trusting to a face because you of all people know the appearances can be deceiving. The Neal i know and love would always are on the side of caution and ask his friends or his girlfriend for help for back up. And yes the despite being impulsive and idiotic times he would still do that. Now tell me if the real Neal Caffrey is coming back soon or should I just leave?" I stood to to to with him

"You love me?" was all he replied

"Let me know when the real Neal Caffrey's back in town will ya." i went to leave but he pulled me back into a kiss.

"I love you too. I'm so sorry, Kara. I'm so sorry." He pulled me into a hug and I returned it.

-3rd Person-

Neal woke up first the next day with Kara sleeping soundly next to him. Instead of  making breakfast he moved his canvas and grabbed a chair and his supplies then began sketching. He was there for a while till there was a rhythmic knock on the door. He glance back at Kara who was still asleep. The stood and opened the door slightly.

"Mozzie, now is not a good time." Mozzie narrowed his eyes at Neal

"Is Sam in there?"

"Would i be half dressed if he was?" Neal sighed and Mozzie caught on and made a oh face

"You should put a sock on the door. The sock is the universal sign for do not disturb if your a guy. Scrunchie if its a girl. I bid you adue." Mozzie left. Neal thought about it, not one moment of peace since he came back and this was one of those rare good moments. I grabbed a sock an draped it on the door handle then close the door.

About an hour later Peter arrived and was about to knock on the door when he saw the sock. Neal never did that, he was against doing that. But he knew what it meant and there was nothing urgent so he turned and didn't disturb


"So the sock on the door, that's new." Peter commented after the saved Sam from a beating and sent his DNA off to be tested

"Mozzie came by and suggested it and I was inclined to." Neal shrugged it off

"What makes now any different?" Peter wondered and Neal stopped

"She said the L word, the important, serious L word." Neal admitted and Peter's eyebrows shot up

"She did?" Neal nodded "And did you say it back?" Neal didn't say anything else just carried on

"You said it back. Oh this is big news. Neal Caffrey says I love you." Peter couldn't wait to tell Elizabeth.

"It's not that big of a deal." Neal brushes it off and Peter stops him

"It is. It's is a big deal."

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