Chapter Thirty Eight - Pink Panthers Saga

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"You know, your Daddy, is a brilliant man. He just uses it for really silly means." I say laying Thea down in her crib  "But he's changed, for the most part. He was lost and he didn't know it. But I think we found him." I sigh

"If you ever say for better or for worse one day. You better mean it because if you are anything like me you'll go through a lot of worse for your better half." I sigh  and walk to the door "Have a nice nap baby girl." I close the door and go over to the mantle where pictures of family lined it. I felt tears roll down and I wiped the away quickly. He'll be fine. He always is. I make my way to the sofa and plop down crossing my legs and i just sit there.

My phone buzzes with a message and I blink and look down before picking it up.

"Neal, Rebecca's partner and pink panthers. But N OK - Mozzie

That's all I got. Pink Panthers are a well renound and dangerous group of thieves. No one has been able to catch them or even get close. They're on every organisations most wanted. What was Neil doing mixed with them? Now I was even more worried. No put it back on the table and look after Thea. I get up and busy myself around the house for the rest of the day.


I finish another load of washing and begin to put it in the dryer. I had been on and off tiding all morning. Distracting myself because if I didn't I would strap Thea to me and work the case with wouldn't help Neal. it was the afternoon when I heard the door to my apartment open and i turned. in walked Neal. I stopped and ran over wrapping my arms around him. He returned it earnestly. I never wanted to let go but I slid away slowly.

"Welcome home." I let out a ragged breath holding his face and he did the same with mine.

"I've missed you." I laugh slightly then he pulled me into another hug. I pulled him to the sofa and made him tell me everything that had happened. He did, getting kidnapped, making a deal with Booth, entry into the Pink Panthers and the deal he wanted to make. Pink Panthers for freedom no exceptions or take backs. Rebecca helping Peter and then her suicide by cop.

"She made a choice, for her it was better to risk almost certain death, than go back to jail." Neal finished The two of us were now sat on the floor of Thea's nursery while she slept soundly

"That was her choice, some people can't handle it and would rather it quick and easy." I reply

"I've always live my life on there is always another way." he drank some of his wine.

"It depends on the state of mind. Neal what if they try to welch on their deal. They can do that sometimes. I've seen it happen."

"Not this time they won't." I lean my head on his shoulder and he kisses it.


I invited Mozzie round the next morning, I had a plan. One that Mozzie was gonna help me on.

"Mozzie, what are you doing here?" Neal wonders

"I asked him. Mozzie and I are creating a contract between you and the FBI between us they'll have nothing if they don't follow through upon signature. I'm not gonna let you fall into the the broken category, not when you've grown as a person and for the most part reformed yourself. You out of all people have earned your freedom. So today you are all Dad and Mozzie and I are team Caffrey. Right Moz?" I fold my arms

"Let us create the art of all contracts." I took him into my office and we got to work. We were in there a while, talking, typing, amending planning, printing and the like. When he finally emerged we dropped a thick wad of a contract.

"Your way out. In writing all you need to do do is read it and sign and so do they." I stated

"Now this is a woman of many talents law is one of them." Moz  pointed to me "It's a work of art in words. But she's right though. You should read it because it's both sides."

"I will." 


The following Monday I went ahead to work while Neal stopped by Peter's. I had found another nanny that wasn't Mozzie. I sat down on my desk and began my work unless I was to be called in on the Pink Panther case. Neal was in for now. He came in and and I flashed him a smile as he walked past me. I turned at watched him drop the contract we typed up then went back to what I was doing. Later on I went to get my coffee when Peter came over.

"You and Mozzie did this?" he questioned

"We did, and you know it needs to be signed just as well as I do." I answered adding cream and sugar

"Where did you even learn to do this?" he wondered

"Pfft. I've been reading law books since I could actually comprehend them. I maybe a badass but I'm a nerd at heart. Who do you think drew up the privacy contract with my family?" he raised an eyebrow "You should have seen their faces. Shock was an understatement. And it helped. I'm really good at sealing up loopholes." I smirk walking away

"I'm going to meet to discuss it now. Well less of discuss more insist." he left me too it as I worked on my caseload.


Later that night. I was already home when a spooked Neal turned up. My eyebrows furrowed as I closed the book I was reading.

"Neal, what is it." he came and sat next to me

"Keller's back." he didn't break it easily "And before you say he's in prison. He's not, I saw him with my own eyes, he's working with the Panthers" he explained the look of fear was evident on his face.

"But how is that possible? That's can't be possible." I felt cold real cold at hear the man who almost killed me.

"I've already talked to Peter, you're gonna have protection and so is Thea. Not to mention Elizabeth. He's not gonna hurt you again okay. I won't let him. But my job just got a little harder." he pulled me into a hug which I accepted and hugged tighter.

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