Chapter Sixteen - Family

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I hobbled into the FBI. When I opened the doors Neal was the first one i saw. He stood up shocked.

"Kara what are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting." he came round the desk

"I'm fine, chill out. And I'm here to see Hughes about my job, two more weeks and I should be clear to work." Neal folded his arms "Untwist your knickers, desk duty for another month then I can take a field test. Jones, Diana."

"Look who's back, we missed you around here." Jones hugged me then Diana

"Oh I bet you did. Diana i trust you're keeping them in line. The men like to think they rule the roost." she laughed

"Sure am till you're back on top form"

"Which will be soon. It better be soon because if I have to do another puzzle of any kind I will be chucking it at my therapists head. I will talk to you later." I made my way slowly up to Hughes's office.

"Agent James, take a seat." I did so "How are you feeling?"

"Cabin Fever, long painful Cabin fever. But hopefully you and my Physical Therapist don't plan to conspire into making me a chess champion anytime soon, sir." he gave a little huff in amusement

"You report says that you responding well to treatment and that anything broken is almost completely healed." he placed the report back on his desk

"Physical and Psychiatric Therepy are torturous, I would feel more comfortable in the interrogation room to be honest with you, sir."

"You're a good Agent, James. You get work done. But you know I can't sign off for another two weeks. So why are you here?" he wondered

"To make sure I still have a job." i reply "I have been out for two nearly three months, I have and continue to play by the rules but I want to know if it will be worth it. You've known me since I applied to be apart of this unit, Sir. We sat in this seats asking me why's and where for's. This is my home and I want to know do i still have a home to come back to"

"You do, providing you tow the line. We're on thin ice as it is James. Two weeks and you can desk duty. Which I know you'll actually not complain about. Then when your back to peak health and only then can you take the field test." he pointed at me

"Thank you, sir." I beamed and he nodded which was the silent signal to leave which I did. Once i got down the steps I went to leave

"So?" Neal asked making me stop

"Two weeks, and then desk duty. Finally proper exercise from my brain once more. Oh yeah." he laughed


"Yeah, not back yet. Later, Neal." I make my out and head home.


There was a knock on my door. I went and opened it, there was no one there however there was an envelope left. I pent down and picked it up, then opened it. Pictures of Neal kissing a long and a note.

'Keeping you appraised of your Romeo, $500 for service.'

I chuckled and grabbed my things making my way out and grabbing a taxi to the office. When I entered Neal, Jones, Peter and Diana were talking

"Kara, what are you doing here?" Peter asked

"Special Delivery." I handed the envelope to Peter he took a look at the photo's

"How did you get these?" Neal asked concerned

"Left on my doorsteps with a note. Keeping you aprised of your Romeo $500 Dollars for service." I grinned folding my arms

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