Chapter Thirty Three - Back to work

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-Kara -

Neal was given a couple of days off. During which time he brought up about being released and that he already contacted a lawyer.

"No, more anklet, no more handlers, none of that. I want to live the rest of this life with you as a free unchained husband and father." he stated

"When did you do this?" I wondered

"Before you woke up. My chances are already good because of the success Peter and I have had. Not to mention I now have a stable life with you and Thea. What would also help is a recommendation from Peter." he answered

"He's not gonna give that lightly, especially with what just happened. Neal I want you free too but don't bulldoze in okay. Promise me." he sighed in defeat

"I promise."

"Good. We've only been married two days, broach  it with Peter and then get everything lined up in a row so there's no way you can be denied." I gave him a kiss


Neal left for work the next morning yet when he came home something was weird. He finally coughed up what had happened. Someone had contacted Rebecca for a job and I was the perfect candidate.

"Did Neal tell you our idea?" Peter wondered holding Thea as I tidied up around the living room

"Yeah, you got a message on Rebecca's phone and you want me to pose as her why I pump on the fly. My job will be something maybe along the lines of murder because let's face it she's pshyco and I have to look like I've completed the job. I'm totally okay for this." I then take Thea back

"Look, Kara, truth is who knows if we even have a case? And if we do I can totally ask Diana but I did promise you and her  that you would get first call on something like this. And who knows if we'll pursue this." he both asked and tried to put of at the same time.

"Peter it's cool a bad guy wants to hire a bad girl to do some really bad stuff. And let's face it I know have a little more red since I married her Dad. And you know I'm one of two people best in the division to stop that from happening." I replied

"I do. Yeah."

"So it's settled, Mummy's going back to work. And you need changing. Let's go." I left to change Thea

"Where's Neal? I thought he'd be here? Or you'd be there?"  Peter questions

"He's most likely with Mozzie getting into some form of calculated trouble. And we haven't really established which place his home base for the both of us. Everything is backwards." I answer


The babysitter was set and looking after Thea. I was washed and dressed now sitting back down at my desk. Oh i missed this desk. I took out a picture of the three of us and made it pride of place

"Welcome back Agent James or is it Caffrey now?" Jones wondered coming over with Diana

"Still James. And thank you Agent Jones and Barrigan" Jones handed over my gun "Now, what do we know about this guy?" they nodded to the confrere room where i got the very limited low down

"Nothing. We've got a short voicemail and a phone." Peter told me

"No I.D. No location" Jones added

"Whoever he is, he doesn't here back from Rebecca Lowe who I now affectionally call psycho crazy lady. He'll find someone else from the job and that's not about to happen." I grab the phone.

"I agree, are you sure you want to do this, though?" Neal wonders

"Yes, now breathe. I'll be fine." I dialled the number back and put it on speaker

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