Chapter Four - The thing about James

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-3rd Person-

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-3rd Person-

Neal and Peter were heading to meet Kara at a crime scene. She saw them coming while she was on the phone and nodded to them.

"Oh someone's stressed." Neal commented

"What are you talking about?" Peter sighed.

"Kara, she pacing. When have you known her to pace, humm? She is not a pacer she's a strutter" Neal replied and she ended the call

"Sorry about that boss, so this is what we've got...." she started to tell them about the latest crime.


Neal was bored the case they had gotten was simple and easy, no fun at all. He twirled around in his chair playing with the rubber band ball. When he noticed a scowling Kara. He'd picked up on her tense demeanour over the last few days.

"Neal." Peter laugh his attention. Who was stood by his desk "Don't you have work to be doing?"

"Probably, but I'm working on something." he replied

"Oh, and what might that be?" Peter wondered amused folding his arms. Neal pointed over to the younger woman.

"It's unnerving when the most cool, collected woman you meet is seemingly under pressure. She's grouchy, irritable, stressed during a job which she repeatedly comments on how she loves. I'm figuring her out. New boyfriend, old boyfriend, money troubles, work troubles."

"Right, well I will leave you too it Sherlock." Peter comments

"Aren't you curious."

"I am but she'll tell me in her own time. I've learnt pushing something with Kara is not a good idea." Peter went back to his office. Neal just had to know. He got up and walked over.

"Kara." she looked up at him.

"What do you want Caffrey? I'm busy." She huffed out glancing back down

"How about we go get a coffee? Or a soothing tea, you look stressed." she scowled up at him "You look like you need someone to talk to." he shrugged making her exhale loudly

"Fine." she stood and grabbed her things Neal grabbed his hat and jacket, they both left. Once the grabbed a coffee, they walked through the park


"So, we've been working together for a while now and even I know something's up, so what is it?" Neal asked curiously

"My younger sisters who I actually love, have landed me in a sticky situation." I began"With our Dad." I groaned

"Siblings, never had any but I presume its a given thing" he replied

"It is, and depending on what shit they land us or me or whatever into is always different. My Dad and I have always been close, we're still close even though he transitioned to a she , but ever since she has and been more in tune with feminine ways she's... well she's done a me and burnt a few bridges in the process. That's probably why we get along so well, two peas in a pod." I laughed "Kylie and Dad were talking and she for some reason which alludes me said that I have a boyfriend."

"That's what's been stressing you out? A little white lie?"

"No." i drawl "What's stressing me out is that every time I go to say it's a lie something happens. She either cuts me off or I chicken out. For some reason me saying that I'm in a sense married to the job sticks in my throat like I'm disappointing her in a way which is stupid because she has always been encouraging of my pursuits. But it's different."

"Different how?" he wondered

"We're close, but I'm here she's there and according to Kendall my other sister, she care more about the girlies of things now, aka..."

"Boy talk."

"Yeah." I nodded "It feels like if I break the illusion of the lie, we won't be as close anymore. To make it worse, because I haven't toughen up, she's coming here to see Kendall on the runway, while she's here she wants to meet my imaginary boyfriend. That's why I'm stressed, this is one bridge i would like to stay intact." We sat down on a bench.

"Stupid right?"

"Not stupid at all." My head flopped onto his shoulder in defeat


I arrived at the restaurant and smoothed down my dress before entering. To say I was nervous, was an understatement. Dad, Kendall and Kylie were already there when I entered. I stopped mid walk.

"Nope, can't do it." I turned to leave when

"Kara! Over here!" Kylie called and I winced. Shit, shit, shit. "Kara." I turned to see Kylie getting up and coming over

"I'm so glad you made it, come on." she pulled me over and i gave a hesitant smile as Dad and Kendall stood up.

"Kara, you look amazing, simply amazing." Dad complimented

"So do you." we hugged and I looked at Kendall, she gave a thumbs up in encouragement. We finally pulled away.

"So where is he?" Dad wondered

"Who he?" I tried to avoid everything she was trying to get out of me. I glanced at Kylie who seemed really guilty right now

"The boyfriend Kylie told me about, I was hoping you would bring him."

"Well you see..." iI gave a nervous laugh "Ky..."

"Sweetheart, I am so sorry i'm late." i heard the familiar voice of Neal Caffrey then his arm slip around my waist. I looked up at him in shock, what the hell was he doing here and how and all of the questions. "I was just finishing up paper work." he gave the charming smile the leaned into my ear.

"Figured you could use some back up." he whispered making me smile broadly

"That's fine." i cleared my throat and turned to my family Kendall and Kylie were in shock. Dad was smiling.

"Hi, Neal Caffrey, It is privilege to finally meet you Ms Jenner." Neal held out his hand and Dad shook it.

"It is a pleasure to meet you too Neal, please call me Caitlyn. Come on let's sit and drink." I laughed nervously.

"Neal, you are something else." I comment as he pulled out my chair and slipped it in when I sat down.

"Sure thing, sweetheart." he replied making me laugh then sitting down next to me. Kendall and Kylie were giving me curious looks, I stuck my tongue out at them

"So, Neal, tell me all about yourself. How did you and Kara meet?" Dan wondered as Neal dropped his arm round the back of my chair.

"We work together, I came in about a year ago and well, she was the one who could resist my charms. At first." Dad laughed and we continued talking.

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