Chapter 01: Roommates

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The day started as usually. Erwin Smith took a warm morning bath, made himself a cup of coffee, opened his freshly printed newspaper and read a few articles. There was one in particular that caught his attention.

"Another vampire attack. Two people were found dead near Blackmail Street. After examination it was confirmed they were indeed attacked by a vampire," he read out loud, sipping his beverage and then drowning in thoughts. "Blackmail Street, hmm? That's on the south, no wonder they got attacked. The region is crawling with scumbags. There is even a vampire gang operating in that area. What were they doing there anyway?"

He tried to find the answer in the newspaper, unfortunately, he was unsuccessful. He sighed, folded the piece of paper, drunk up his coffee and went to work. He was a special kind of doctor. His profession required him to help other supernatural creatures, who had trouble blending in with the rest of society. When it comes to helping, it seemed like Erwin was born for it. It was so natural for him. His coworkers used to joke about him being in fact an angel.

"Good morning, Mike," the blond greeted his friend when they met in a hallway.

"Morning," he replied, joining him in the journey to his office.

"How are you feeling?" Erwin asked with care. The full moon was slowly approaching, and he knew how painful it was for his werewolf friend.

"I feel good so far," the taller man mumbled. "Nanaba is distracting me all the time so I don't think about the transformation that much."

"I am so happy for you, Mike!"

"I wish I could be happy for you too, Erwin," the werewolf criticized, and Erwin chuckled, knowing very well where this conversation was heading. "You haven't been on a date for eternity and you still don't show any effort to find someone whatsoever!"

"I don't feel like starting a relationship right now," Erwin answered politely, ending the discussion.

When he arrived to his office, there were already three people in the waiting room. He apologized for making them wait and took a first client in. It was a small red-haired girl with bright blue eyes. She sat down at the big chair in front of Erwin's table, her legs hanging freely in the air.

"Your mom is outside?" he asked, opening girl's file.

"Yes, I told her I want to be more independent!" the ginger stated with raised chin. She was so proud of herself.

"I see, very well! Now tell me, young lady, what is bothering you?" he started the session, his tone firm and yet kind.

"It's just that I have recently started to go to school and I... I do not know how to wash my hands... When I was at home, we used special type of soap, but I cannot take that one with me. It's way too big!" she whispered, leaning towards him as if it was a big secret. Corners of his mouth raised in a smile.

"It is common for mermaid to have this type of problems, however, do not worry. We have a simple solution as well," Erwin stated. He then turned around to face a large cabinet, opened one of the many drawers and took out a small bottle of disinfection. He placed it gently on the desk and leaned in his chair in order to encourage the girl to take it. She did so and started to examine the bottle.

"This solution should leave your hands clean and prevent you from turning into a mermaid," the blond explained, thinking about the girl as he was looking at her. As far as he knew, she was living with her mother. Her father left them, not sharing a single piece of information about mermaids with them. Erwin pitied them and wanted to help them, so every time he managed to do just that, he felt beyond fantastic.

My Vampire Roommate (ErwinxLevi)Where stories live. Discover now