A Blonde's Grey Fading Memory

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Moving on his bed in pain the 9 years old boy was suffering from a bad nighmare his grey hair was messed up by his sweat and his body was shaking of course he will be. after all who can handle such a dream?

The nightmare:
A black blank space was surronding the boy as he wondered around in the dark he noticed a blonde boy running towards him. The boy stopped infront of the other male and said:
Kakashi! Did you make it? Did you make it?
Kakaski stood still there trying to know who is this boy and what does he mean by make it? 'Make what?'
The blonde noticed and said in a voice full of sadness "i see you didn't yet.... But that's ok!"
Kakashi made a confused expression " you still have the time to figure it out I trust in you sensei" 'when did that trust come from?' kakashi thought to himself he found it weird that a complete stranger trusted him out of the blue to make something happen.. He didn't bother thinking about it cause he had more coming some fading scenes approched the dark place as if a screen is playing a movie. He watched and thought 'not again'
The screen started showing the same blonde who seemed to be younger here in the scene getting beating up and yelled at by some other strangers kakashi felt something in his chest.. Anger? No why would he worry about a stranger It's his problem then the scene changed and moved into a bloody war with the same blonde in it along with a darked raven haired and a pink haired girl fighting in what seemed an endless fight they was strong but the enemy was stronger everything was so frightening more than kakashi's mind could handle.. Blood screams shouting powerful jutsu and all the strangers he couldn't recognize caused him to wake up.

In a bad shape and a sweating body he went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. While the weird dream kept on coming up to his mind over and over again none stop.
'i must hurry or obito' s bad habbits will Control me' he chuckled a bit thinking of his dump uchiha friend then went out the house to face the day
He was early for sure. About 15 minutes. Early for the team 7 meeting
Kakashi watched as minato and rin came to him
"you're early kakashi as always!!" rin said with a smile
"yeah where's the dump uchiha?"
Minato let out a sigh and said "kakashi you know obito and don't call him that we have a mission i don't want you two fighting while we're at work"
"mission?" kakashi asked surprised "i thought we'll do training for today??" kakashi looked up for his sensie waiting for answers.
Minato sigh again and answered in a cheering tone "well the hokage decided to give us this mission since we are capable of it and had others like it before we'll be protecting an old man to reach his village he is rich and might get stolen from! As strong ninjas and to increase the team work we'll be doing this mission" minato let a smile form on his lips as he was done talking.
Kakashi let out a sigh and said "i guess anyway can't the damn uchiha be here allready??"
"ayo!!! I'm here bakashi!!" said the energetic black haired boy as he jumped on Kakashi.
Kakashi made an Angry expression as he shouted at obito. "great now we are late because of you!"
"well i would never leave a grandma' walking the street alone would i? My kind heart won't allow me" said obito with his dramatic tone. kakashi glared at obito and walked towards the gate obito followed asking about the mission as minato explained again the mission will take 2 days for them to have it done while everyone was thinking about the mission kakashi was more concerned about the nightmare.. What if he had it while his team is around him? What would they think? What would he do? He don't want to deal with that It's embarassing let go weird. He tried to calm himself thinking that he'll Control his mind this time.
nothing goes as planned in the shinobi world.
As they met the old man they have to protect who goes by the name 'sho' they carried on their mission. the silence on their way was getting cut by obito and kakashi arguing, minato talking with rin about how the other teams are on missions related to the shinobi 3rd great war, and how should she work more on some of her fighting skills. Everything was sweet an normal even the few ninja that tried to attack and the others who tried to kill the yellow flash as soon as they spotted him it was all normal for the team as they handled it by losing some chakra. The night time came.. And they had to sleep kakashi was afraid so he sujeceted staying up on guard
"minato sensei? How about you sleep a little while i take the first round?" kakashi proposed with a smale smile
"i'm sorry kakashi but i'll take the guard for the night you lost alot of your chakra against the shinobi from before take some rest" minato honestly said.
"NO!" Kakashi let out his respond alittle too loud which made minato question the strange attitude "kakashi? Is something wrong? Why are you acting like this? are you worried about anything by any chance?" a concerned sensei asked his student. Kakashi controled his tone and replayed "there's nothing wrong sensei i was just worried you have to rest too or you'll hold us back tomorrow and i want to go home as fast as possible!" 'now that sounds like something kakashi would say' Minato thought in relife but he still had this strange feeling no one knew his students more than him something was off but he didn't change his mind "i'm sorry kakashi but you better sleep how about i wake you up later to take it for me?" kakashi thought to himself again after hearing his sensei's respond 'no... what if he tried to wake me up while i' m at it... But i can't act more suspecious he's allready worried i'm sure'.
"do as you please i'll sleep for now" kakashi said hidding his worries. He lied in his sleeping bag and closed his eyes trying to sleep while hopping to have a dreamless night.
"oi rin did you see this?" obito said while looking at kakashi. The two was watching silently what was happening and noticed the weird aura.
"i did i think something is wrong with kakashi he's acting different" rin said
"well i mean he never showed how he care about us.. Like never! So to show Minato sensei that he worries and to his face?? Nah that's some not bakashi like" obito stated while looking slightly worried
"obito that's no way to talk about kakashi! he cares!" rin said
"i know i know! But he never show it that's just it" explained obito hopping for rin not to hate him.
Rin let out a sigh as she said "let's ask him later he should tell us or give us a hint after all he's not the best at holding secrets"
"no he is.. But not from us we'll figure it out later let's sleep for now" obito said while haiding to his sleeping bag and waitting to the day light to come
But.. And just as they said kakashi is not good at keeping secrets from his comarads. As he started moving in his sleep again minato noticed and walked up to him.
"kakashi?" he asked to see if the young male is awake 'he' s moving at his sleep.. Is he having a nightmare?' minato thought to himself.
Obito woke up right away since he was next to kakashi he woke up cause of the sudden move.
He said with a sleepy voice. "sensei is bakashi goin' to be fine? I noticed he was acting weird"
"he will be fine i' ll try and wake him up" minato said while assuming It's a nightmare.
Mean while in kakashi's mind:
Kakashi is facing the screen again he noticed that at each time the violence in the scene increase. He thought to himslef 'The scenes are mainly about the blonde as if i'm seeing his life or something along with some other people someone from the uchiha clan since he wear their sign a pink haired girl seems to be a fangirl eh~ whatever their life seems dark tho i wonder why are they suffering like this the scenes are always about the blonde getting bullied and called names getting beaten and sometimes the beating is so harsh i'm surprised he's not dead yet he looked depressed tho. But he has his bright smile to show to everyone. There are plenty fights against super strong enimies. The uchiha is an emo he's nothing like obito which made the pink haired girl like him i guess anyway why am i seeing this... It looks like a memory but It's not mine.. If It's the Blonde's then he's alive but he's from the leaf village and i don't recall knowing about such a strong ninja or about him living in this time.. I've known or heard of every shinobi living in this village right now.. Is he rouge? Aghh so many question i'm not reaching anything by this! I have to focus on stopping this so i can get proper sleep wait....' his thinking was cut off as the dark place around him started shaking.. He felt horrible pain in his head and then let out a loud scream in pain only to wake up... After everything flashed in his head his brain took a moment or two ignoring their surroundings absorbing everything. He now finally knows. He made it. Just as the blonde wanted him to. while tears started to form in his eyes... He met his sensei's worried gaze... He noticed obito awake too and rin sitting beside eachother looking at kakashi in shock. They was so worried all of them. They started blowing question towards kakashi he smiled while crying and finally left up his body from his sensei's hug. He calmed himself alittle but he was so happy yet so sad being calm was not an option. He said in a shaking kinda happy voice:
"i'll explain everything don't worry cause now i remember"

Hello i'm the author sorry for the short yet boring chapter i promise things will be better in the next one.

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