They nodded and Bryan asked for his Wizards chess set and his books while Eva only asked for school bag. Draco nodded and left with Harry.

It was already one in the morning so they both fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.


The next morning Draco woke up to a severe sense of nausea and he ran from the bed toward the restroom.

"Dray, are you alright?"

Draco was throwing up when he felt Harry's hand on his back. When he finished he stood and brushed his teeth before answering. "Yeah, I guess I was just worrying about Bryan and Evangeline."

Harry nodded and smiled.

Draco changed before walking to his children's room. They were still asleep so he just kissed their foreheads before calling Winky to watch over them while he left for the day.

Harry followed him silently, they separated after breakfast because Harry had a class and Draco needed to retrieve Bryan and Eva's things. Draco kissed Harry before walking down to the Slytherin dorms.

When he had retrieved the necessary materials he walked toward the hospital wing. Thankfully, he had a free period so he would be able to visit with his students. As he entered the hospital wing he heard his students' voices.

"Good morning, you two."

"Good morning, Professor"

"Good morning, Professor"

Draco handed them their belongings before taking a seat in an empty chair. "Ms. Turner, I wanted to know if I could speak with you."

She looked confused but nodded. "You can speak freely in front of Bryan, professor."

"Are you sure, Ms. Turner?"

She nodded so Draco continued. "Ms. Turner, we noticed certain old injuries to your body when we were trying to heal you and I wanted to ask you about your life at the orphanage. Have they ever done anything to you that you didn't like?"

Evangeline looked like she was about to panic so Draco smiled reassuringly. "It's alright Ms. Turner, if you can't tell me it's ok. I just want you to know that if you ever need me please contact me as soon as you can." Draco pulled a coin from his pocket and handed it to her.

This Galleon is made to get messages across; he then showed her how to write a message and also showed her his own corresponding coin. "Wherever I am, I will be able to read this and I will be there in a second. It has a small location device so keep it with you. Remember, that I am your teacher and I care."

Evangeline looked stunned but nodded.

"Thank you, professor." She placed the coin on the bedside table next to her wand.

Having completed what he had needed to do, Draco left them to rest. For the rest of the day Draco was distracted by his thoughts. He had been feeling weird lately and in the deep recesses of his mind he knew what was wrong with him.

It was during his last class that his inattention caught up with him. He had been walking around watching his students practice the Accio spell but he had not noticed that someone had accidentally said it wrong and the spell hit Draco right in the abdomen.


Harry had been in the middle of his seventh year DADA lesson when a second year Hufflepuff came into his classroom.

"Professor, Madam Pomfrey said to hurry…Its professor Malfoy…he….had an accident."

Harry felt that his whole body had just been drained of blood and he quickly dismissed his class and ran in the direction of the hospital wing. When he arrived, he noticed Pansy and Ron standing there holding two crying twins.

He walked past them and found Draco laying on one of the hospital beds.

"What happened to him?"

Ron was the first to answer "One of the students in his class accidentally said the wrong spell and it hit Draco in the stomach."

Madame Pomfrey was scurrying around Draco casting Diagnostic spells. After the second one she gasped.

Harry turned to her quickly, he had been holding Draco's hand and his grip tightened on his hand when he heard her gasp.

"I cannot believe this but Professor Malfoy is pregnant. It takes a very powerful man to be able to carry a child full term but I guess I shouldn't be surprised he already has two children."

Harry sat motionless. He stared at Draco's profile and before he knew what his was doing he stood up and began to back away from Draco. He vaguely heard Ron's voice.

"Harry? Congratulations, man! Where are you going?"

Pansy was the next to speak "Harry Potter don't you dare abandon Draco at a time like this!"

Harry was in shock his body continued to back out of the room. "Harry, stay with daddy!" Loren stared at Harry, his face showing his confusion.

"Papa, please don't go! You, need to be with daddy!" Isabelle had screamed at him and he just quickened his pace out of the room.

The last thing he heard was two small voices. "Papa!"

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