Chapter 14

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Chapter 14-

The days turned to weeks and Harry and Draco's relationship seemed strong. Ever since they had finally completed their sexual relationship, their relationship seemed to strengthen. They now had dinner with the Weasleys every other weekend. Draco and his children had finally found the family they had always wanted.

Mrs. Weasley treated Draco like one of her sons and absolutely adored Isabelle and Loren. Harry had finally introduced him to his aunt Andromeda, a few weeks ago and he smiled at the memory.



Draco had been playing with his children one Sunday morning when Harry had entered the rooms.

"Dray, I have a surprise for you!"

Draco smiled and kissed his son and daughter before walking out of the room to meet Harry. What he had not expected was for Harry to be accompanied by an older woman he immediately recognized as his aunt Andromeda.


His aunt looked at Harry before walking slowly to him and enveloping him in a hug. Draco silently cried as he felt the arms of his last living relative encircle him. He heard her whisper quietly into his ear. "It's alright, my dear nephew. Harry has explained everything. I am only sorry we have not bridged the gap between us before this."

Draco cried once more before kissing her cheek shyly. They sat on the couch for a few moments catching up before Draco's kids came rushing into the sitting room.

"Harry, Loren won't share his toys with me!" Isabelle walked to Harry and hugged his leg while sticking her little tongue out at her brother. Loren sought shelter in Draco's arms and settled down on his father's lap. "No, dad all she wants to do is break my toys."

Draco frowned at his children before introducing them to his aunt. "Loren, Isabelle, this is my aunt Andromeda."

"Daddy, is she the one you named me after?"Isabelle smiled at her aunt.

Andromeda looked surprised. "You gave her my name?"

Draco nodded "Her name is Isabelle Andromeda Malfoy and this little man is Loren Nicoli Malfoy."

His aunt smiled and motioned for the children to come to her. She kissed their fore heads before hugging them and Draco saw silent tears fall from her eyes. "You kids can call me Grandma Andy."

"Like Grandma Molly?" Loren asked

Andromeda smiled and kissed his nose, "Yes, exactly like Grandma Molly."

"I wish I would have brought Teddy with me but I wanted to make sure you were ok. Sorry for mistrusting you."

Draco nodded and smiled at Harry. "You can bring him whenever you want, my children would love to meet their cousin."

"We have a cousin?" Isabelle asked

"Yes, His name is Teddy Remus Lupin and he is your age."

"I want to meet him Grandma Andy!" Loren smiled

"Why don't you all come and meet him? I left him with our old house elf Kreature."

Draco nodded and they soon appeared in a small house where they were met by a small old house elf.

"Mistress has returned. Master Teddy is playing in his room." Andromeda smiled and introduced the visitors to Kreature.

"Kreature this is Draco, Narcissa's son and these are his children Loren and Isabelle." Kreature smiled at them as if Christmas had come at last.

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