Chapter 5

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Chapter 5-

The rest of the month passed in relatively the same manner. Harry and Draco had become fast friends; their animosity had been long forgotten. The children had been claiming the affection of the staff. They now spent most of their days visiting different members of the staff.

They loved their aunt Pansy and Uncle Ron and had even begun to call Neville and Ginny aunt and uncle as well.

Overall Draco was happy with their current life at the castle. There were only a few things that bothered him. Draco was now sure that professor Willowby was actively flirting with him.

The person whom Draco seemed to have feelings for was Harry. He thought it was only a strong sense of attraction due to his years alone but his conscience told him differently.

Their lunch-time walks had become an everyday occurrence and Draco had begun to look forward to them each morning.


The two had even attracted the attention of their friends. One day Ginny and Pansy were drinking tea and the conversation shifted to the two men.

"Pansy, have you noticed how much time Draco and Harry spend together?"

Pansy smiled.

"Yeah, I mentioned it to Ron and all he said was that they were just friends. I believe differently. I think they both feel something but are too shy to make a move…Maybe we should…help them out a bit. They would make a great couple."

"I know what you mean. I haven't seen Harry this happy in a very long while. What did you have in mind?"

"The first day of the new term is in two days so I think it would be a great opportunity to get them both drunk and hopefully something will happen. What do you think?"

"I agree. I'm sure we can get our husbands to participate. How about we invite the rest of the staff?"

Nodding Pansy smiled and began to send out small invitations to all of the professors. Tonight they would go down to a local pub and hopefully Harry and Draco would allow something to happen.


"Dray are you going to come with us tonight?"

Pansy sat watching her friend fuss over his two children. "Pans, I have two children to care for, I don't think I can go."

"I spoke to Winky and she said she would be happy to watch the children while you were out. Minerva is not going so if anything happens she will be here as well."

Draco looked unsure but when he looked at his best friend he knew he couldn't say no to her.

"Alright, give me a few minutes to get ready and I will meet you and the others in the entrance hall."

Pansy gave a squeal of happiness and ran out of the door.

Draco walked to his bedroom and began to search for something to wear. He finally decided on a royal blue dress shirt and some grey robes. When he was finally ready he checked on his sleeping children before he called Winky. When she arrived she walked to the children's room and he conjured Winky another small bed so she could sleep as well.

"Winky, if you get sleepy feel free to take a nap. I'm going to put a charm on the door so that they won't be able to leave the room if they wake up. Professor McGonagall will be here if there is an emergency."

"Yes, professor Malfoy. Don't worry sir; I is protecting the young ones. I loves them deeply, sir. "

Smiling, Draco left his rooms and walked down to the Entrance hall. When he arrived he noticed that all of the professors had decided to attend. Unfortunately this meant that professor Willowby would be going as well.

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