Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-

The next morning Draco had breakfast with his children. He then left them with Winky while he went into his office and worked on the curriculum. Two hours later he had finished the curriculum and had began working on choosing the text book.

When he finished he made a copy of his work and shrunk it before placing it into his robes. He noticed that there were only a few minutes left before lunch and decided to go back to his children.

He found them both asleep on the floor while Winky was cleaning their room. Draco moved them both onto their bed. As he kissed their foreheads he heard a small the door alarm go off. Draco placed a silencing charm on his children's room and walked toward the front door.

When he opened it he found that he couldn't really speak. Harry looked flushed and out of breath and for some reason Draco was breathless. Draco shook his head before motioning for Harry to enter.

"Hello Harry. Please take a seat. Sadly both of my children are asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake them but they should wake up in about an hour or so. Would you want to wait here or will you come by later?"

Harry's stomach made a small flip flop at the proximity to the blonde and before he could over think things he responded. "I think I will stay if it's alright with you? Have you had lunch yet?"

Draco nodded and motioned for Harry to follow him to the kitchen. "No I haven't I wanted to eat with the little ones but as you can see their indisposed."

Draco motioned for Harry to take a seat on the table and he began making some sandwiches and a soup. Harry took the time to watch Draco.

He noticed how soft his hands looked and Harry wondered if they really were that soft. Harry watched as Draco frowned silently while cutting some vegetables. He noticed the curvature of his jaw and the silky look of his blonde hair.

Harry didn't know what was happening to him but he seemed to be attracted to Draco. It had been so long since he had noticed anyone that he almost didn't recognize the feeling.

Harry didn't even know if Draco was gay but in the back of his mind, he really hoped he was. He was distracted from his thoughts when Draco asked him a question.

"Harry, would you like some tea?"

"Yes that would be great."

Draco nodded and brought him a cup of tea. He also gave Harry a sandwich and a bowl of soup. What Harry found adorable was that Draco had cut off the crust of the sandwich and had cut it into small triangles.

When Harry mentioned it, Draco blushed and laughed.

"Sorry, I'm so used to doing that for Loren and Isabelle that it just comes naturally."

"It's alright; I actually hate the crust anyway."

They ate silently and enjoyed each other's company. They heard small footsteps approaching the kitchen and it was Isabelle who sleepily walked toward Harry and reached up. Harry instinctively placed her on his lap and was surprised when she placed her small hand on his earlobe and fell back asleep.

"Does she do this often?"

Draco smiled, "Yes, she tends to sleepwalk." He watched as his small daughter held on to Harry's earlobe while her little eyes were closed.

After a few minutes Loren opened the door. "Dad! Did Harry come?"

Noticing Harry, Loren rushed to him and tugged on Harry's sleeve. "Are we still going Harry?"

Hearing the noise Isabelle slowly awakened but still stayed in Harry's lap. "Yup, I was just waiting for you both to wake up from your nap. Now that your both awake how about you two have some food and then we can take our walk."

"Can our dad come?" Isabelle asked

Harry looked at Draco and smirked. "Yeah, if he thinks he can keep up."

"Oh, please Harry. The person who won't be able to keep up with the Malfoys is you."

He smiled at the challenge Draco was extending.

"Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it."

Draco served his children a bit of soup and when they both finished their bowls they left the castle.

As soon as they were outside, Loren and Isabelle rushed forward while Harry and Draco walked side by side. "Loren don't push your sister! " Draco said while watching his children run across the lawn.

Harry ushered them to the quidditch pitch and then began to tell the children about some of his best quidditch matches.

"And then your dad fell off of his broom and landed on his bum on the grass." The kids were all amazed and laughed at their father's embarrassment.

Draco was blushing but he continued to laugh.

"Harry? Could you teach me to fly?" Isabelle asked quietly.

Harry smirked and looked at Draco. "Isabelle, sweetheart, I don't think that's a good idea. You need a special kid's size broom but we haven't some of those."

"But dad, I want to learn how to fly!" Draco knew Isabelle was on the verge of a hissy fit so he needed to calm her quickly.

"No pouting young lady. If you behave, I will think about it." She still pouted and turned away angrily from her father.

Sighing, Draco led them to the edge of the lake. Once there, they took a seat under the shade of a tree and Harry told the twins about the triwizard tournament and Draco found himself listening intently.

When he described the dragon, Loren jumped up excitedly. "You fought a dragon, Harry?"

Harry laughed at his excitement and looked at Draco somewhat confused. "My little man loves dragons." Draco lovingly patted his son's hair.

Harry continued his tale and when he finished Draco knew that he had gained Loren's admiration. After that Loren was glued to Harry's side. They stayed outside for a while enjoying each other's company. Finally, when it began getting darker the four made their way toward the castle.

It was dinner time so they just walked toward the Entrance hall where they sat down together at the end of the table. They were greeted by all of the professors. Draco ended up sitting next to professor Willowby.

"How was your afternoon professor Malfoy?"

"Very good thank you, professor Willowby. How do you like the castle?"

The professor smiled and turned his full attention to Draco. "I admit that all of this is new to me but so far I rather like it. I was actually sorted today."

"Oh? And what house were you placed in?"

"Apparently I am a Slytherin."

Draco smiled, "Welcome to the best house!" He heard a cough from behind him and knew instinctively that it was Harry.

"Thank you. I rather like the house myself."

"I'm glad you were sorted into Slytherin, we need more snakes in the staff. Were sadly the minority. "

"We may be the minority but snakes always get what they want, right?" The professor smirked and winked at Draco.

Draco felt nervous; it almost felt like the professor was flirting with him. He shook his head and decided it was only his imagination. Turning back to his children, he made sure they finished their dinner before leaving the Great Hall.

"Thank you, Harry for the walk."

"No problem Draco. If the twins want to go walking again please let me know."

Nodding, Draco walked away from the Great Hall. Later while he lay in his bed he wondered if Harry was gay. A small voice in the back of his mind he asked himself why he even cared. Draco was confused and he didn't like being confused.

𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang