Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

Wiping his brow with a towel Draco stood up to admire his now newly decorated office and classroom. He had placed all of his many books on the bookshelves around his office. Draco made sure to organize his desk and placed a large Slytherin banner on the wall behind his desk. Above the fireplace.

He had placed many different charms objects around the classroom and had changed the color of the chairs and desks. Instead of a somber brown the chairs and tables were now a made of white marble. Draco had removed the large curtains from the room and was now facing a bright a shinny classroom instead of the usual somber darkened one.

He looked to the clock on the wall and began panicking. He was going to be late. Draco ran back to his rooms and checked on his children whom were already enjoying sandwiches with Winky. He ran into his room and changed into some Dark green robes, thinking that representing his house would give him some sense of strength.

Kissing his children goodbye he ran out of his rooms and hurried toward the third floor. Draco was so preoccupied in getting to the meeting that he failed to notice the other person whom was also rushing toward the same door.

Crashing into each other they both landed on the floor. "Damn! What the bloody hell was that?"

In response to his question Draco received a grunt from the other man on the floor. When the other man finally stood he noticed his light brown eyes and long brown hair. The man gave him a shy smile before standing and offering him a hand.

"You must be the other new professor."

Draco took his hand and stood up slowly. "How do you figure that?"

"Intuition" He gave Draco a roguish grin and winked. Draco was so surprised at the man's wink he didn't see the door open and Minerva McGonagall standing there.

"Hello, Professors. Would you mind joining us?" Her sharp tone reminded Draco of what Harry had said earlier about the headmistress's behavior. He fought hard not to laugh.

Once inside Draco nervously walked to the nearest seat. The other new professor took the seat next to Draco. "It seems we are all here now. We need to have introductions before we begin. Let's begin by our new professors."

Everyone turned to them and Draco could almost feel a blush settling on his face. The man next to him stood up first. "Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Thomas Willowby and I am the new Potions professor."

Draco stood and introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Draco Malfoy and I am the new Charms professor."

There was a small whisper from the other professors but a stern look from the headmistress called them back to order.

"Alright, now everyone else please introduce yourselves."

Draco noticed movement behind him and saw Harry step forward and introduce himself. Next a woman with red hair stepped forward and spoke. "Welcome to Hogwarts you two. My name is Ginervra Weasley-Longbottom and I am the Transfiguration professor." Draco was shocked; he had not known Weasley and Longbottom had gotten married.

The man standing next to her stepped forward as well and spoke. "Like my wife said, welcome to Hogwarts. I am Neville Longbottom, and I am the Herbology professor as well as the Gryffindor head of house."

Draco noticed how much Neville had changed. His dark brown hair was cut short and he was a lot less awkward. Another woman stepped forward; this woman had long black hair and clear blue eyes. When she began to speak he recognized her immediately. "Welcome to Hogwarts, My name is Pansy Weasley and I am the Astronomy professor."

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