"Oh, Master Draco, Master Loren and Mistress Isabelle, I is happy to meet you." Kreature bowed and smiled.

Harry rolled his eyes at the house elf. Andromeda walked into a room down the hallway and returned with a small little boy with light brown hair and brown eyes.

"Teddy, dear, these are your family. This is your uncle Draco and these little ones are your cousins Loren and Isabelle."

Teddy looked surprised but grinned.

"Really, Grandma?"

Andromeda nodded and watched as Teddy shyly approached Draco first. Draco bent down and picked up the little boy. He tickled him until the boy laughed before giving him a kiss and a hug. Placing him on the floor Draco motioned his children to approach their cousin.

Teddy surprised everyone by changing the color of his hair to blond. Isabelle and Loren laughed happily.

"Do you want to play with me?" Teddy said shyly

Loren and Isabelle nodded and all three of them ran off. The adults stayed and talked for a couple of hours before they had to return to the castle. As they were about to leave Andromeda promised to allow Teddy to spend the night. When Isabelle had heard this she innocently said. "Oh, like how Harry spends the night with daddy?"

Draco and Harry had blushed while Andromeda smirked and laughed at their discomfort.

*End Flashback*


It was Halloween and Draco was worried, he had been feeling sick lately. Sickness had always scared him and he just hoped that some bed rest would end it.


Life at Hogwarts had been the best time of Eva's life. It was Halloween and she sat next to her best friend playing a game of exploding snap. Eva no longer thought about her home life or the bad things in her life, she enjoyed her life as a student.

They were sitting in the library when all of a sudden they felt someone throw a potion on them. Before they could see who it had been, they began to feel excruciating pain all over their body.

Their screams had alerted another pair of students who had been sitting in the corner and they quickly ran to alert a teacher.


Draco had been in his office grading papers when he got a fire call from Madam Pince.

"Professor Malfoy, two of your students have been hurt in the library. I have already brought them to the hospital wing. I will contact the headmistress and deputy headmaster."

Draco nodded and quickly left his office. When he arrived at the hospital wing he heard horrible screams coming from two small voices. Draco hurried and the scene he found nearly broke his heart.

Bryan and Eva were withering around in pain. "What's wrong with them, Madam Pomfrey?

She looked frantic but answered while casting diagnostic spells. "It seems someone has thrown some type of potion on them."

Draco's eyes darkened and stared at their faces. He heard the arrival of the Headmistress and Harry.

"We need to contact professor Willowby." Draco quickly moved toward the fireplace in her office and called the professor.


A few moments later the professor Willowby came into the hospital wing and rushed toward the screaming students. After a few minutes of examining the patients and running diagnostic spells, professor Willowby finally looked up.

"I believe I know what potion they poured on these children. I think it was the Verminio Pulsoaris potion. This is a dark potion; it causes pain through the nerve endings in the body. Luckily, I have the antidote with me but we must hope that the potion has not damaged their nerve endings."

Professor Willowby pulled out a small vial of light blue liquid before giving Bryan half and the other to Evangeline. As soon as they drank the potion they stopped screaming and their bodies stilled.

Draco breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Madam Pomfrey begin some healing spells. "We must notify their relatives"

Draco nodded but frowned "Bryan has his mother and aunt but Evangeline lives in an orphanage. I read her file when I noticed something."

The headmistress nodded and turned to Harry. "Harry, please go and investigate who did this. I want whoever did this to be thoroughly punished."

Harry nodded and left the room followed quickly by Willowby and the headmistress.

Draco walked slowly to his student's bedside and frowned. He pulled a chair next to their beds and silently watched over them while Madame Pomfrey healed them.


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