"But didn't your mother make the vow with Snape in order to save you?"

Draco nodded. "Don't be fooled Harry, my mother did that not to save me, but to ensure that I would not fail. She wanted to ensure her own safety; if I failed our whole family would be forfeit to the Dark Lord. I think she was glad that my father came up with his little scheme. So, no Harry, it was not love that motivated her, it was self-preservation."

Harry frowned but continued to cook. "Dray, do you know who the other father of your children is?"

Draco sighed. How many times had he asked himself those same questions? "No, I don't know for sure. I know he must have had black hair and black eyes but that's it. They all kept their masks on and I blacked out after a while."

Harry heard the pain that Draco hid most of time. "Have you ever wanted to find out?"

Harry had finished cooking and had placed a plate of food in front of Draco. He was also giving Draco a glass of wine, taking a seat across from Draco.

"I have wondered but a small part of me is scared. My children are mine but if I find out I'm scared that I will see my rapist in them. I know it's not rational but that's how I feel."

Harry touched his hand giving him comfort. "It's alright Dray, you don't have to know. Your children are lucky; they have the most amazing father in the world."

Draco smiled "Harry, do you think we are moving too fast?"

Harry turned serious and Draco hurried on. "I really like you Harry but it seems too unreal for me. I mean we hated each other for years and now in one month that turned to attraction. I'm just scared, I don't want to wake up and find that I had been dreaming. I didn't even think you were gay."

Harry nodded but locked eyes with Draco. "My life was never my own, it was always ruled by others. First my muggle relatives then the threat of Voldemort. When, Voldemort was defeated I finally experienced freedom. I made a promise to myself; I would live according to what I wanted. I love teaching, so I stay here although I was offered a top position at the ministry."

Harry shrugged, "I didn't date because there was never anyone whom I felt something for. When you came here I found a kindred spirit. I saw the strength that you have shown and for the first time in years I felt attracted to someone. I was not about to allow any former rivalry to rule over me, so I befriended you. Lucky for us we have two very nosy friends that gave us the push we needed."

Draco grinned at Harry. "I'm glad you see it that way. When did you know you were gay?"

Harry laughed, "When I spent more time checking out my fellow bedmates instead of looking at the girlies. I actually had a small crush on Remus Lupin."

Harry's eyes instantly became pained. "You know it's been four years but it still hurts to remember those I lost. Did you know I have a godchild?"

"I had heard that professor Lupin had married my cousin Nymphadora. Do you keep in contact with him? How old is he?"

Harry's face glowed with happiness. "Teddy is a little older than your twins and yeah I visit at least once a week. He lives with Andromeda in a little house in Lincolnshire."

"Do you think Andromeda would allow me to speak with her? I want to mend everything my parents did and I want to offer my children relatives. I want to get to know the family my parents took away from me."

"Is that why you gave Isabelle Andromeda as a middle name?"

"Yeah, at the time of their birth I really felt alone. I thought that even if she never met my children I could carry a piece of my aunt through her name."

"I will talk to her and see how she feels about it."

Draco nodded and noticed that they had finished their dinner and the wine bottle. He stood and motioned for Harry to follow him into the sitting room.

Harry sat down on the couch and pulled Draco into his lap. "Don't over think our relationship Dray. I know I want you and that's all that matters to me. There shouldn't be a timeline on a relationship, things will happen when they happen."

Draco turned over to look at him and kissed him passionately. Their hunger for each other overwhelmed them. Harry tasted Draco and was thrilled when Draco allowed his tongue to explore his mouth. Their tongues battled for dominance and their pleasure increased. Draco moaned quietly before he remembered that his children were in the next room.

"Harry, we need to stop."

Breathing heavily and touching Draco's forehead with his own Harry nodded. Looking at the clock he noticed how late it was. "I think I have to go, I need to get some sleep for tomorrow."

Harry stood up and turned to look at Draco. He was still sitting on the couch and was biting his lip uncertainly. "Harry…w-would y-you stay with me tonight? I just don't want to be alone."

Harry's eyes softened and gave him another quick kiss. "Of course I will, but are you sure?"

Draco smiled up at him and nodded. He stood up and took Harry's hand and led him to his bedroom. They checked on his children and found them sound asleep before taking harry to his bedroom.

Once inside Draco let Harry borrow some pajamas and went to change in the restroom. When he returned Harry was already under the blankets. Turning off the lights and slipping in next to Harry he felt awkward for a few seconds.

Turning toward Harry, he slowly scooted closer to him. Draco heard a chuckle and felt strong arms pull him toward the other man. Harry kissed him slowly and Draco noticed that Harry was shirtless.

With one last kiss Draco buried his head in Harry's neck. "Goodnight, Harry."

"Goodnight, Dray"

Draco closed his eyes and was overwhelmed by the smell of lavender and sandalwood. It smelled like Harry and with that last thought Draco fell asleep.

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