Both children nodded and began looking around. Harry grabbed Draco's hand and took Loren's hand in his. Isabelle took Draco's other hand and they made their way out of the Leaky Cauldron.

When they entered Diagon Alley Isabelle jumped up excitedly. "Is this where we are going to buy our new clothes daddy?"

"Duh, Isabelle why would we be here if we weren't going to buy our new clothes?" Loren whispered.

Isabelle stuck her tongue out at her brother and pulled on her father's hand. "So where to first, Draco?" Harry asked laughing at the children.

"Well, I need to get them some new clothes. I also wanted to pick up a new charms book from Flourish and Blotts.

"Alright so Madam Malkin's first?

Draco nodded and walked toward the shop. When they entered the shop Draco looked through the different sets of clothes. Harry entertained the children while Draco picked some things out. When Draco purchased everything they needed they left the shop and walked toward the book shop.

Before they could enter the book shop Harry had convinced Draco to take them to the Quidditch supply shop. Isabelle walked into the shop and looked around excitedly.

"Dad, can I please get a broom?" She was pouting cutely at her father.

"Oh, honey, I don't know."

"Come on Draco, I will promise to teach her." Harry smiled at Draco.

"I don't know Harry; I just don't want her to get hurt."

"I promise, I will not allow anything to happen to her."

Draco looked reluctant but in the end nodded. Harry walked away with Isabelle to choose a broom.

"Do you want one Loren?"'

Loren looked up at him as if he were crazy. "No, thank you, dad. I much prefer to keep my feet on the ground."

Draco laughed and patted his small head. When Harry and Isabelle rejoined them Isabelle showed her father her new child broom.

"Look daddy, Harry bought me my broom."

Draco looked at harry and frowned. "You didn't have to Harry, but thank you."

"I know I didn't have to but I wanted to."

"Dad can I try it when we get home?"

"Maybe, it all depends what time we get home." The group made their way out of the shop; Isabelle asked Harry to pick her up and happily talked about Quidditch.

Draco rolled his eyes and looked at his son, "Lor, where would you like to go?"

The little boy looked around and pointed at the potions shop. Smiling he picked up his son and motioned for Harry to follow him into the shop. Once inside he watched his son's face become animated.

"Look dad, they have potion kits for kids! Can I get one?"

Draco looked at the kit first before nodding. After paying for it they exited the shop and walked over to the bookshop. They set the children down on the floor while Draco began looking for the charms book he needed. He was so concentrated in finding his book that he was surprised when he felt arms encircle his waist.

"Did you find it?

"Yeah, I did."

"I found something too." Harry kissed his cheek.

"Not, here Harry."

Laughing Harry kissed him one more time before moving away. "You still have the love bites by the way."

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