Pansy stood next to Ron and addressed the gathered professors. "Ladies and gentlemen, we will be going to a new bar on the outskirts of Hogsmead. Remember, the objective of tonight is to get as piss drunk as possible in order to celebrate the upcoming term."

A loud cheer was heard and then they all set off down the path toward Hogsmead. Draco was walking with Susan and Padma talking quietly about the upcoming term. They were soon joined by professor Willowby.

"Are you all nervous about the first day?" He asked.

"No, after the second time you lose a lot of the nervousness." Padma responded.

"I'm a little nervous." Draco said quietly.

Thomas Willowby smiled and walked next to Draco. "I don't think you have to, I know you're going to do great."

Once again Draco felt awkward but silently nodded. He was saved from further conversation by their arrival at the bar.

The Blue Potion Pub was a small cottage style house on the outskirts of town. When they approached they heard the faint sound of music. Once inside Draco noticed the difference between the outside and the inside of the pub.

The pub was alight with blue lights and a long bar as well as a large dance floor. Pansy walked toward him and shoved him toward the bar.

"You have to drink Dray!" Pansy said smiling

"I'm not the only one! Where is that husband of yours?" As if hearing his name Ron approached the bar with Harry on his heels.

Draco unknowingly blushed and hurriedly ordered a drink. Harry took the seat at the bar next to Draco and Ron took the one on Harry's other side. All three of them ordered another drink and they all downed it in one go.

After the sixth fire whiskey shot Draco was feeling somewhat buzzed. Looking around it seemed he wasn't the only one. Padma and Susan seemed to be drunkenly dancing with two unknown wizards.

Krum and Denis had joined them at the bar and were now singing a song loudly while aiming bar nuts at an empty glass. Ginny and Neville were both snogging on the dance floor. Pansy was the only sober one and she seemed to be enjoying herself.

Draco heard Ron's loud booming voice. "Draco! Stop staring and let's take another drink! "

Smiling Draco nodded and downed the offered drink. It had been so long since he had been able to relax that he had forgotten how easily drunk he got. Pansy noticed that those sitting at the bar were almost drunk.

Thomas seemed to be getting drunk as well because he walked toward Draco and in a drunken voice asked him to dance. Pansy carefully watched for Harry's reaction. She noticed a small glimmer of a glare before it was gone.

Draco looked around and after a few seconds nodded. They moved to the dance floor and slowly began moving to the tune of the music.

Pansy watched as Harry downed another two shots of fire whiskey. He turned and stared at the couple slowly dancing and Pansy watched a frown form on Harry's face. She smiled silently, her plan was working.


Harry had been having fun, until Willowby had decided to ruin his evening. As he glared at the couple who were dancing across the dance floor he downed another drink before standing and walking toward the dance floor.

When he neared the couple, he tapped on Willowby's shoulder and motioned for him to move. For a few seconds it seemed like Willowby was not going to move but in the end he backed away and allowed Harry to take his place.

Pulling Draco toward him, Harry silently glared at Willowby's retreating back. "It's considered rude to glare at your dancing partner, Harry."

Harry looked down at Draco and noticed his reddened cheeks. "I'm sorry I was just thinking about something."

"I'm glad to know my dancing is so forgettable." Draco said jokingly

"Believe me; I won't ever forget this, Draco." Even Harry seemed surprised at what he had said.

Draco shyly smiled up at him and nodded, "I don't think I will forget this either, Harry. "

As they were dancing they had seemed to forget everyone else and slowly swayed to the music. On an Impulse, Harry pulled him closer and Draco placed his head on Harry's chest. Harry placed his head on top of Draco's blonde head. The world was dead to them.


Pansy could not believe how well the plan was going. As she watched the couple continue their dance she felt a set of arms encircle her. She felt her husband's body behind her and smiled.

"You always get what you want don't you love?" Ron whispered in her ear.

Giggling, Pansy kissed his cheek before responding. "I'm a Weasley remember and we always get what we want."

He laughed, "I certainly got what I wanted." As if to prove his point he pinched her bum.

"Not here Ron, but later tonight, I promise I will give you whatever you want."

"As long as that's a promise."

Laughing he moved back toward the bar.


When the music finished, they pulled apart slightly and stared at each other. Green eyes met gray and slowly their heads moved closer together, just as they were about to kiss they were interrupted.

"Draco, can I have the next dance?" Thomas asked, interrupting the moment.

The moment broken, Draco stared at Thomas silently before nodding. Once again Draco changed partners and he could feel Harry's eyes on him.

As Harry walked back to the bar, he sat down angrily.

"Oi, mate! What's got your panties in a twist?"

Harry glared at his glass of fire whiskey before answering. "Nothing, mate."

Ron smiled knowingly. "Well, I was just telling Krum here that Draco and Thomas make a great couple, don't you think?"

Harry chanced a look at the couple dancing and once again glared moodily. Draco had been smiling up at Thomas and Harry's anger increased. He downed another shot before answering Ron.

"No, if you ask me I think they both could do better."

"Oh, come off it! Thomas is the only one interested in Draco."

Harry glared at Ron before standing and taking one last shot. "I think I'm going to call it a night, Ron. See you all tomorrow."

Before Ron could respond Harry had angrily left the pub.


"Are you having fun, Draco?" Thomas asked a little too close for Draco's comfort.

"Yes, surprisingly it has been a very fun evening." He smiled up at Thomas.

A movement from the bar grabbed Draco's attention. He noticed Harry speaking to Ron and glaring at the redhead. A few seconds later he watched as Harry stormed out of the pub and before he could think things through he stopped dancing and ran after Harry.

"Sorry Thomas but I have to go."

He didn't even look back he was focused on chasing after the raven haired man.

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