He was floored, Pansy had married a Weasley. Draco wondered what else had changed in four years. The red haired man next to her smiled at Pansy before speaking. "I agree with my wife and welcome you two to the family. My name is Ronald Weasley and I am the Care of Magical Creatures professor."

What was the world coming to when Pansy Parkinson married Ronald Weasley? It seemed the war changed everything. A curly haired brunette stepped forward and introduced herself. "My name is Susan Bones and I am the Magical history professor as well as the Hufflepuff head of house."

A tall dark haired woman stepped forward and introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Padma Patil and I am the Ancient Ruins professor as well as the Ravenclaw head of house."

Another woman stepped forward and with a swish her brown hair she spoke quite snobbishly. "My name is Lavender Brown and I am the Divinations professor." The man next to her rolled his eyes at her and stepped up. "My name is Denis Creevey and I teach muggle studies."

The small light brown haired man had a friendly smile on his features and Draco decided he liked him instantly. Another man stepped forward, "My name is Viktor Krum and I am the flying instructor as well as the Arithmancy professor.

Draco looked around at all of the professors and was amazed at the young age of all of the professors. The only remaining people from his youth were Professor McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey, Madam Pince and Argus Filch. Finally the last professor stepped forward. "Hello, my name is Harry Potter and I am the Defense against the Dark Arts professor and the deputy headmaster."

"And I am Minerva McGonagall, headmistress. Now, that we have all been introduced we can begin the meeting."

Two hours later the meeting had finally ended.

"I have one last announcement. Professor Malfoy has brought his children so I beg you all to be mindful of the children."

Draco could feel everyone's eyes on him once more... When professor McGonagall dismissed them Draco tried to make a fast exit but was stopped by the door by Pansy.

"Draco, Wait." When he felt her hand on his arm he turned around and faced one of his best friends.

"Hello Pansy." Draco spoke quietly looking at her anxiously.

Before he could worry about what her reaction would be he was pulled into a bear hug. As soon as he felt her arms around him, he hugged her back. He had not realized how much he had missed her.

"Oi! Malfoy, watch the hands. I'm a jealous husband." They broke apart and Draco noticed the redhead smirked at him.

"Oh, shut it Ronald! Can't you see I'm having a reunion with my best friend?" Pansy turned angrily to her husband holding her hands on her hips.

"Ok, Pans. Just claiming what is mine." He gave her a huge smile and Draco noticed Pansy was also smiling.

"Don't worry Weasley; Pansy is like a sister to me."

"Uh, Draco, if you haven't noticed I am now a Weasley so would you please put all of that childish enemy crap behind you. This is my husband Ron and Ron this is my best friend Draco. I expect you two to get along." Pansy said this with a determined look in her eyes and stared at both of them until they finally nodded.

Just then Ginny Weasley-Longbottom stepped forward. "That goes for my husband and I as well. I hope we can all work together without that old animosity. Right Nev, honey?"

Neville smiled at Draco and nodded.

"Alright everyone. I do believe Draco and I need to catch up. Ron, honey, I will be going to Draco's rooms would you like to join us?"

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