79: The Last One.

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Leo paused – as he felt Elizabeth slowly making her way towards him – even though she was barefoot – he could hear her soft footsteps. Leo continued with the letter.

"You must have heard a lot of horrible things about me, my dear, and believe me – unfortunately, all of them are true. I was not a good mother to my children – and I was certainly a bad human. I had my reasons that I cannot justify. Even though I had plenty of wrongful deeds – my daughter – she is irreproachable. She is not her mother. Before I go, I left some gifts for my family and if she decides to give this to you then – you are also a family. Welcome to the family, my dear. Harrisons are a bit strenuous and a little tough, but believe me – once you get to spend more time with them, you will realize that they are good people. I was the unfortunate one who couldn't become a true Harrison, but the daughter is. Please, take care of her. Be kind to her – cherish every moment you spend with herm because believe me, my son – you can never find a girl as beautiful, smart, and strong as my Elizabeth.

You can open the box now, my son."

Leo paused again – it was particularly hard for him to read her calling him a son. As much as he didn't want to be associated with her, he decided to go on and open the box. The box held, as he perceived, a watch. But what he didn't expect was a vintage watch. Leo brought his eyebrows together and took the watch out of the box. It looked old – maybe it was from the 1930s – Leo wasn't an expert on the watches, but it did look very old yet it was in good condition. Leo gulped and resumed with the letter.

"The watch that you hold in your hand belonged to my father. He told me that he bought it with his very first earning. At first, I decided to gift this to Silas, but then I decided not to – I wanted to gift it to the new member of my family. I don't know how much it worth, but I want you to keep it. I want you to wear it and know that my husband and children are delighted to know that you are a part of my family – my distorted yet beautiful family."

Leo stopped – he couldn't do this. The letter had almost ended – he didn't continue. He placed the watch and the letter on the coffee table and let out a shaky breath. Everything that his sister went through at the hands of Ruby Harrison flashed back in his mind. How could he accept this gift from the woman he despite? He knows that Elizabeth stood behind him – he wasn't sure if she read the words, so he slowly turned his head around to see her stand with tears in her eyes. His eyes were on the watch resting on the coffee table. She gulped, "Is that my grandfather's watch?" She asked softly. Leo sighed and nodded his head. Elizabeth chuckled, "Mum used to cherish it – after her death when I was cleaning and sorting her things – I couldn't find it – well, now I know where it was," she added.

There was complete silence between the two of them. It was itchy Elizabeth so, she spoke, "Leo, I don't want my mother to come between the two of us," She vocalized her concern. Leo got on his feet and turned to look at her as she continued, "I don't know what she wrote in that letter," she waved her hand towards the letter on the table. "I just know that I love you and I don't want the past to come between us. I am so sorry, I should not have given you this now – maybe I should have waited." She stressed as Leo slowly walked to her. Elizabeth continued, "You throw it away – the letter I mean and if you don't want to then please don't accept the present – I don't want you to –" Elizabeth kept ongoing. Leo cupped her face before he angled her face and placed a soft kiss on her lips – killing the words in her mouth. She closed her eyes and sighed before she wrapped her arms around him and returned the kiss.

After a few seconds, Leo slowly pulled away and pushed her hair off her face, "Stop worrying about everything, Elizabeth. My love for you isn't too weak. It is good that you gave it to today and more than that – I am glad that you gave it to me." His word confused her – so she brought her eyebrows together, "But you don't like my mother," she spoke softly. Leo sighed, "I didn't." he replied before he paused and continued after, "But I am still happy to know that you gave it to me – which means that you are at the same place in this relationship as I. You were supposed to give it to the person with whom you want to send you to lift it together. You gave it to me – that means I am the one," He grinned. Elizabeth chuckled through the tears and playfully slammed her chest with her palms, "I was so scared," her voice shook. Leo smiled and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, "You don't have to be," he replied before he enveloped her in a hug.

Elizabeth rested her head on his chest while he rested his chin on her head, "I love you so much," she mumbled. Leo smiled, "I love you too," He replied. His eyes fell on the watch and letter on the table – he wasn't going to worry about it at this moment – for now, he was at an ideal place with her. Maybe after she will leave – he will think about everything, but right now he doesn't want to change a thing. He was happy to have her in his life and so was she – he wasn't ready to let their past sake anything off.

Elizabeth had packed everything. She was leaving for the airport – she was going to take a cab but Leo didn't agree. It is not because she thought that she would be bothering Leo, but because she was scared that she will not be able to keep it all together. She sighed and walked into the living room where Leo stood with her luggage. She shrugged as her eyes already started to tear, "God, what a weekend," she smiled as a tear fell off her eyes. Leo smiled and moved closer to her – embracing her in a hug – wordlessly. Elizabeth snuffled and tightly hugged him back. Leo kissed her head, "Just a couple of weeks," he ensured her. She heaved another sigh, "Just a couple of weeks," She repeated after him and nodded her head – she wished time could fly.

The ride to the airport was filled with silence. As they reached the airport – Leo unload the luggage before he locked the car and moved in with her. Leo was pulling the luggage with him while Elizabeth hands her handbag on her shoulder and her hand intertwined with his. They stopped at the checkpoint. Elizabeth sighed and looked at him, "I have a rule for you," she said. Leo amusingly looked at her as she continued, "Please stay away from women," she said. Leo laughed, "What?" He asked. She rolled her eyes, "They have a problem when they are around you, okay? I already dealt with two of them – I don't want to deal with the rest," she said. Leo chuckled and nodded his, "Yes, madam – anything else?" He asked. The smile on Elizabeth fell as she sighed, "Yes, miss me please?" She asked. "I am already missing you," he replied. Elizabeth cupped his stubby face and placed a kiss on his lips, "I love you," she said. "I love you too," he replied.

Leo watched Elizabeth went in with teary eyes – she kept looking around – waving her hand – tears leaving her eyes and soon she was gone. Leo stayed for able half an hour before he got in his car and sighed. He was feeling heavy already – he missed her already. His car smelled like her. He blew his cheeks out and drove back to her empty apartment. He didn't want to go in – he knows that his eyes will search for Elizabeth, but he went in. The apartment felt gloomy with the liveliness of Elizabeth. He closed the door behind him and walked straight to his room.

He threw the keys and cellphone on the bed when it buzzed – he opened to see a message from Elizabeth, "In the plane – I will text you when I reach," it said.

He texted her back, "Have a safe flight. I love you," before he put the phone on the bed. He wanted to ask her to stay but he knew it couldn't happen. He rubbed his face, "Only a couple of weeks, Leo." He told himself. He got up from the bed and decided to go take a shower. He opened his cupboard to see the present and letter resting beside his properly folded clothes. He wanted to ignore it for a while but he didn't.

He picked up the letter and decided to read the end of the letter that he didn't continue before, "My dear son, always love her as much as she loves you. She is my true present for you. Stay bless. Love Ruby," it said.

Leo heaved a sigh and licked his lips, "I never forgave you, Ruby – maybe Maria did – but I didn't. But today, I am finally forgiving you – only for your daughter. Don't worry – she will always be loved." He whispered before he folded the letter and put it back before he closed the cupboard. 

Elizabeth Harrison's Hope For A Better TomorrowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz