Chapter 11

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a/n: i wrote this entire story (chap 1 to chap 11) about a year ago, and since i was an amateur, the story quality was bad as well. for this chapter , i am unable to edit it because my brain isn't working and i am facing some other issues as well. so please bear with the cringe you will see in this chapter. there's a bonus chapter at the start and i personally think it's unnecessary but this entire chapter unnecessarily necessary so please dont dislike this story by the end


bonus chapter

Romeo woke up at 8am. He wanted to celebrate his birthday at the exact time he was born, which was 31st August, 8:31 am. He got up from his bed and looked out the window. Not many people were up and about. The streets were deserted, except for one or two people on motorbikes. Romeo closed the windows and drew the curtains. He took out a small device from the small backpack that he always carries around that was on his nightstand. The device was shaped like a ball. He set it down in the middle of the room and immediately, a table materialised there. A night-like atmosphere was also created. He walked out of the room and entered his kitchen. Romeo opened the fridge door and took out a cake. Carefully, he carried it into his room and set it on the table. Once more reaching into his bag, he withdrew four metallic candles and one big candle. He placed the candles on top of the cake. Once he made sure that the room was dark enough, he lit the candles by pressing a button on each of them. The teal shaped cake had the sentence "King Romeo" written in white sprinkles. He leaned towards the candles and made a wish inside his mind. When his watch displayed the time 08 31, Romeo blew out the candles and whispered to himself,

"Happy Birthday to me"


Luna Girl, now just plain Luna, was on the bed with a tub of ice cream by her side. She was weeping while watching TV in her room. The climax of Titanic was on, and she grabbed a box of tissues to wipe her face. Just then, her phone started buzzing like crazy. With an annoyed look on her face, she paused the movie and picked her phone up from the nightstand. She unlocked it and found out that a big war between Romeo and Night Ninja was going on in the villains' group chat. She groaned loudly. After reading through the messages and finding out that she had to go to the PJ Masks' HQ, she remembered Gekko and how she couldn't ever meet him again. Not as Luna Girl, anyway. She sighed and went to wash her face. After she was done, Luna took out the Luna Magnet that she had hidden under her bed. She made sure to lock her room so that no one would come into her room and find out she wasn't there. It was only Uncle and Aunt who never cared about her at home, for her parents weren't alive, but still, she had to be safe. Luna opened the window and moonlight shone inside. She clutched the crescent shaped amulet that was hanging on her neck and held the Luna Magnet in the other. She muttered some words under her breath and all of a sudden, a bright light was emitted from her. When the glow receded, she was wearing her villain outfit. Her Lunaboard flew out from underneath her bed and she hopped onto it. Luna Girl then hovered towards the window, and zoomed away from the building.


Rip looked at her phone.

"Bossy Romeo. Always thinks he's the leader or something."

She angrily typed back a response.

Then she looked back at her brothers a few feet away who had their heads deep inside the ground.

"Howler! Kevin! Stop digging for bones. Romeo wants us to come to HQ. Howler," Rip shouted over to her brothers and waited for a response. 

"Howler!" She shouted once more.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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