Chapter 9

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a/n: Once again, i apologise if the story quality isnt good. maybe the next chapter will be better


Catboy stared at the screen in anticipation as he gripped the controller tightly. Once the zombies started appearing, he began to shoot at them and watched the other players shoot them as well. He was seated in a corner of his room, playing a game while his teammates went through the live feeds of the city that were displayed on the PJ Picture Player.

"Strange... It's been five days since Armadylan informed us about the villains' gathering at the museum, and there's been no sighting of them since then." Owlette mused as she continued to swipe through each individual feed.

This annoyed Gekko, and he tried his best to not lash out at her.

"Well of course! That's what we wanted all along right Owlette?" Gekko asked her in the most calm way he could.

"They're probably up to something." Owlette replied without taking her eyes off the screen.

This further irritated Gekko.

Meanwhile, Catboy pressed the buttons on the controller more vigorously. He watched his online teammate attempt to take down the zombies but fail. Catboy pursed his lips to stop himself from screaming. His team was starting to lose.

"Owlette, they're not doing any villain stuff now. What else do you want?" Gekko's voice became a little louder.

"We need to stop them." Owlette said bluntly

Catboy grew more and more restless as his teammate missed again and again. His grip on the controller became more and more tight.

"Owlette, you're not listening to me. What do you mean stop them? And how exactly?"

Catboy finally lost it when his teammate missed one more time.

"Just kill them!" he hollered.

Owlette finally looked away from the PJ picture player and turned to look at Catboy. Gekko, however, had a different reaction.

Gekko trudged over to Catboy and grabbed him by the collar of his jumpsuit.

"REPEAT YOURSELF!" he screamed

Catboy, who had no idea what Gekko and Owlette had been talking about, looked at Gekko, confused and scared at his friend's rough behaviour.

"G-Gekko, what do you mean?"

"What do YOU mean Connor?!" Gekko shouted.

Owlette's brows furrowed. She knew things were not good when Gekko used Catboy's real name.

"Tell me, Connor. Do you want to kill the villains? Is that what you have been planning all along?" Gekko yelled at Catboy.

Catboy took a deep breath and looked at Gekko in the eye.

"Let go of me, Greg." He said calmly, yet firmly.

Gekko finally realized what he was doing. He let go of Catboy's jumpsuit, slightly surprised at his own behaviour.

Owlette walked over to Catboy and placed a hand on his shoulder. She then sighed, and spoke.

"I suppose I too am at fault for blindly following you, Catboy. But Gekko is right, you have some explaining to do." she said sternly.

Catboy looked at Owlette long and hard. After much contemplation, he decided to speak.

"I wanted to weaken the villains, not kill them. When I meant weaken, I meant to destroy the things that gave them power or things that they heavily relied on for their villain work."

"So that included almost killing Romeo?" Gekko said through gritted teeth.

"Gekko, you know what we talked about after that happened. Iー"

"ーAND almost killing Motsuki as well?" Gekko continued.

"That was an accident." Owlette replied instead of Catboy.

"Oh, and who even knows what happened to the Ninjalinos?" Gekko continued to ignore them.

Catboy huffed angrily.

"Gekko, let me get this straight. Everytime we planned to weaken the villains, we ended up doing something more harsher than we intended to. I promise, I did not mean to do those things." Catboy pleaded.

Gekko stopped and looked at Catboy. He then gave in, and sighed.

"Fine. But we're apologising for what we've done the next time we see them." With that, Gekko pressed a button on his bracelet and disappeared.

Catboy sulked in defeat and walked over to the couch on one side of the room. He plopped on it and stared at the ceiling. Owlette walked over to him and sat down beside him.

"I'm not fit to be a leader." He said bluntly.

"Oh, Connor. Don't say such things." Owlette said. She decided to use that moment to hug him.

Catboy however, was oblivious to this and gave no reaction.

"Greg's right. We should apologise." Catboy said after much thinking.

However, Owlette's thoughts had drifted off and she said something completely irrelevant to what he had said.

"Connor, can I tell you something?" Owlette asked, still hugging him and slightly blushing.

Catboy was so caught up in his thoughts that he did not even realize that Owlette had said something. He pushed her off and stood up.

"Well Amaya, I'm calling it a night." He announced and disappeared with a press of a button on his bracelet.

Owlette stared at the spot where Catboy had stood as she slowly took in the fact that Catboy just left her like that.


Days passed, and soon the days turned into weeks. The night of 30th August finally came, and all of the villains had decided that it was best to lie low, especially that night. They could not risk being spotted and chased by the PJ Masks the day before their grand defeat. Night Ninja did not transform that day, and was instead on his bed scrolling through his phone. He got bored after a while and put his phone away. He had to get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow would put an end to the PJ Masks' doings. It would be the villains controlling the city. Night Ninja closed his eyes contentedly as he thought of having the Pagoda all to himself. He would unlock all the secrets of Ninjability. He would become the most powerful Ninja ever. Tomorrow would mark the end to the villains' defeat and fleeing of all these years. It would be the PJ Masks being defeated instead. Tomorrow would mark the start of a whole new reign of villains. He smiled.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day.


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