Chapter 4

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"Ummm..." Catboy started. "We, uh, we didn't mean to..." Catboy was at loss for words.

It was all his fault. Luna Girl stormed towards them and used her Magnet to hold Catboy up in the air.

"You better give me a proper reason why you did this Litter Box!" She seethed. 

Owlette came forward to Catboy's aid.

"You see Luna Girl, first of all, we definitely did not mean to hurt Motsuki or you. It was an accident. Secondly, our only intention was to stop you two from doing bad stuff. We thought that destroying the top would only weaken the both of you, making both of you to do less harm. We didn't know... that Motsuki..." Owlette trailed off.

Luna Girl dropped Catboy and averted her attention to Owlette. 

"Stop us from doing bad stuff?! What harm did I cause by staying in my Lunar Fortress, talking to my sister about my personal stuff? What has gotten into you all? Why are the three of you so paranoid about us villains these days?" Luna Girl screamed her head off. 

Gekko decided to speak up. He knew how it felt to see a loved one get hurt.

"We're sorry Luna Girl. We're really sorry. This... this will not happen anymore." He glared at his friends, huffed, and stormed into HQ. 

His teammates stared after him, confused looks plastered on their faces. Luna Girl's face softened a little. At least Lizard Boy understood her. As the PJ Masks ran after Gekko, PJ Robot emerged, confused by the commotion. Catboy stopped running and whispered something to PJ Robot, before turning around to look at Luna Girl. He then followed Owlette into the HQ. PJ Robot came near Luna and beeped twice. Luna raised her eyebrows. How could anyone understand what this thing was saying? Sighing, PJ Robot took Luna Girl's hand and led her into the HQ Rocket. The door shut behind them and Luna Girl was greeted by three glum-looking PJ Masks seated in their seats. They were preparing for takeoff. PJ Robot beeped at her to sit in the seat at the back. Grunting in response, Luna Girl strapped in. As the Rocket took off, Luna Girl noticed that the PJ Masks were not paying any attention to her. She decided that it was her chance to take the Moon Gem and Lunar Crystal like Motsuki had told her. Discreetly, she unstrapped and went to the second floor. PJ Robot was up with the PJ Masks too. 

'They are going to pay.' Luna Girl thought to herself. 

She approached the vault and the glass sliding door opened. She got hold of the Luna Crystal. Now for the Moon Gem.

Just one more step and...

"Huh?" Luna Girl turned around, only to see Gekko coming straight at her. 

Gekko lunged at her and pinned her to the wall. 

"Hey-" Luna was about to protest when she realised how close they were. 

They continued to stare at each other when Gekko looked away. Sighing, he let go of her. He did what was the right thing to do, which was to keep Luna Girl away from the Luna Crystal and Moon Gem. He snatched the Luna Crystal out of her hands and shoved it back into its container. He got hold of Luna Girl's hand and walked towards the elevator. How could he? Luna was a villain, and he was a hero. It was not right of him to like her. But still... He turned his head slightly and looked at Luna Girl who was glaring at him. Luna was not all bad. She could be really nice sometimes. If only she could stop being a villain.

They reached the top, and Gekko decided that sitting with her would be the best way to stop her from trying to get her hands on the Moon Gem. As he buckled his seatbelt, he wondered if Luna Girl felt the same towards him as he felt towards her. 

"I am sorry Luna Girl. We- we just wanted you to stop doing bad stuff. But, it ended up wrong. I- I don't know what to say" Gekko sighed. 

He felt so conflicted. He liked Luna Girl but she was a villain. His friends had made the right choice about trying to stop the villains yet it was not the right way to stop them. Talking them out of being villains was out of the question. Surely they would not just give up villain work if the PJ Masks asked them nicely.

Luna Girl rolled her eyes when she heard him apologise. Still, there was something about him that made Luna Girl feel different. Like when had he pinned her to the wall. She had felt as if there were butterflies in her stomach. Could she have feelings for him? Shaking those thoughts off of her mind, she focused on what she was going to do. Luna Girl could not handle it anymore. It was too much for her. The PJ Masks' doings should be put to an end. The HQ finally landed. Luna Girl's initial anger had waned away once seeing Gekko and hearing his apologies. However, upon seeing Catboy and Owlette, her fury returned, and she stormed out of the HQ. She got on her Luna Board and the PJ Masks came out after her. 

"Luna Girl, we said we're sorry!" Owlette called after her. 

Luna scoffed and shot back, "That doesn't change anything." With that, she zoomed off in her Luna Board. 

"I am sorry guys. It's all my fault. It was my idea to go on this mission," Catboy said, regret apparent in his tone.

Gekko and Owlette put their hands on each of his shoulders to comfort him. But they knew they could not stop. They had to stop the villains no matter what. They just had to think of another way. A way that would not hurt the villains. The trio silently walked back into their HQ.


As Luna Girl was riding her Luna Board back to her condo, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She took it out and looked at her screen. She stopped in her tracks. Romeo? Why did he, of all people, text her at this hour? Luna Girl unlocked her phone and viewed the message. It read

"Meet me tomorrow, near Town Square"



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