Chapter 5

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a/n: I started this story about 9 months ago (as of May 2021) and i uploaded this story on I have 12 published parts on Fanfiction so now i am just updating them and posting them here instead. The later parts are less cringy (to me when i am re-reading them) so i dont have much to edit out. So you can expect 2 or 3 chapters a day sometimes. However, i warn you that i may or may not disappear completely after the 12th part. So yeah. Thanks.


Romeo had things to do. Many things. Luna Girl had agreed to meet him at Town Square and next he had to ask Night Ninja and the Wolfy Kids. He had to discuss many things with the villains too. It was 7.p.m, and the sky was darkening. The day before, he had texted Luna Girl to meet him and he had also brainstormed his plan. As Romeo buttoned his lab coat over his teal shirt, his phone buzzed. It was Luna Girl. She was asking him why he wanted to meet her.

'You will see', he texted back, and closed his room's door behind him.

Ever since Romeo went missing, his parents did not come back and they did not live in the house. They simply stayed overseas. They did not sell the property they had in Tarabiscoville as they hoped Romeo would return. He did, but they were never there to see it. Romeo did not like to stay in his house as it reminded him of many... bad memories. As he walked towards Town Square, his phone buzzed once more. Luna Girl was asking him to hurry up. Romeo passed by the PJ Masks HQ. He stood there for a while, staring at it, and his anger returned. He was more determined than ever to defeat them. Just then, the Owl Glider came out of the HQ. Romeo quickly ducked behind a bush and watched the Glider go. It was going in the direction opposite of Town Square. Heaving a sigh of relief, he quickened his pace as he walked to Town Square. Romeo wondered which villain the PJ Pains were planning to torture that night. At last, without any interference from the PJ Masks, Romeo made it to Town Square safe and sound.

"Took you long enough! I was literally dying of anticipation, thinking about what was so important that you had to meet me in person." Luna Girl said.

Romeo snickered. It was always fun to watch people get annoyed.

"Quit laughing and tell me what's the matter." Luna Girl snapped.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to team up and defeat the PJ Masks once and for all."

Luna Girl stared at Romeo, mouth slightly agape.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I would want to defeat them! I have been waiting to take them down my whole life. You asked me to come over here just to ask me this? You could've just texted me!" Luna Girl said, extremely annoyed.

Romeo smiled smugly to himself and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Very well then. Now that you have agreed, I just have to ask Night Ninja and the Wolfies. Then we're good to go." Romeo smiled even wider.

"Good to go? Go where?" Luna Girl questioned.

"To the next part of my plan"

"Of course. I have a plan to defeat the PJ Masks once and for all. And when they are defeated, I will take over the world!!" Romeo said, an evil grin plastered on his face.

Luna Girl raised her eyebrows.

"You've been saying this for so many years, and you have failed so many times."

"Oh shut up already, Mothball." Romeo shot back.

"Whatever Inventor Boy. Now what?"

"I told you that I need to ask Night Ninja and the Wolfies. I'll text you later."

Luna Girl nodded and went off.


The next day, the moon rose and the dark night sky shined. Luna Girl did not have anything much to do so she decided to just chill. She was lying down on a rooftop of a house, scrolling through her phone, looking at Greg's Instagram Profile. Suddenly, her phone began to emit a loud, irritating shrill. She groaned. It was her ringtone, and she regretted setting such an annoying ringtone. Luna Girl looked at the caller ID. Romeo? Again? No one ever called her. What was so important that he had to call her? She attended the call, and was alarmed to hear Romeo's agitated voice.

"Luna Girl! Night Ninja's in trouble. He texted me. There's something going on at Mystery Mountain. It's the PJ Pains again." Romeo seemed to be in a hurry, and his voice was shaky.

Seemed like he was running and talking at the same time. Luna's brows furrowed, and she told him that she will be coming. She hopped onto her Luna Board and exited out of her house using the big window in her room. Luna Girl zoomed past several trees. On the way, she saw Romeo running in the same direction.

"Romeo? Why are you running? Where's your Lab? And where's Robot?" Luna Girl questioned.

Romeo never ran around like this. Either he would drive his Lab or he would have Robot carry him around.

"Robot's gone and I can't take my Lab. It's charging." Romeo replied, huffing and puffing.

Luna Girl shot him a confused look.

"Wanna catch a ride?" She asked.

"Uh, no thanks, I am not riding that thing with you."

"Like I'd ever want you to. I meant−" Luna Girl held up her Luna Magnet. Immediately, a pink ray engulfed Romeo and he was lifted up into the air. "−this" Luna Girl finished.

She was using her Magnet to help Romeo move faster. The two of them reached an alley. The duo stopped in front of a wall.
Suddenly, there was a yellow glow in the middle of the wall and the wall split open. Out emerged Night Ninja.

"Finally! Faster, the Splatcano won't be waiting. You've gotta help me! My Ninjalinos are in danger." Night Ninja said anxiously.

"What's going on?" Luna Girl questioned.


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