Chapter 10 - Part 2

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"Guys! Guys, come in!" Gekko shouted, then frowned.

It was not like Catboy and Owlette to not respond. Gekko looked up at the hologram once more. It was extremely real, and he had been fooled. He had only figured out that it was a hologram when he tried to climb onto the top of the Lab. His hands had gone right through the Lab and that was when he found out that it was a hologram.

"Catboy? Owlette? Come in!" Gekko shouted into the communication device installed in his suit.

No response.

"PJ Robot?" He tried once more.

He waited and waited. No response either. Something was not right. Gekko hopped onto his Rover. He knew where they were. He only had to find them. As he started the Rover, Luna Girl loomed over him on her Luna Board.

"Where do you think you're going, Lizard Boy?" She sneered.

That was when Romeo appeared. He motioned to Luna Girl and she held up what looked like the Luna Scepter. Gekko gasped. How could she have the Moon Gem and Luna Crystal when it was locked in HQ? Without it, she would not have been able to transform her Luna Magnet into the Scepter. Gekko started to say something when a pink ray shot out from the Luna Scepter. Immediately, he was trapped in a Moon Bubble. He looked at the both of them, alarmed. Luna lifted the Bubble off the ground using the Scepter. Gekko was confused beyond words. He could only stare as he neared the Museum, still trapped and controlled by the Scepter.


"Owl Wing Wind!" shrieked Owlette.

She was trying her best to blow the Wolfies away from the artefacts. However much she tried, they did not stop but were instead attacking her with their own howls.

"Yip, yip, Yaroo!" Rip, Howler and Kevin howled in unison.

Owlette could only watch helplessly as the howls blew her away. She landed loudly with a thump and did not get up. She saw stars and struggled to rise. As she tried without success to regain her composure, a pink glow enveloped her and soon, she was floating inside a Moon Bubble. She looked around for Luna Girl and sure enough, she was there hovering on her Board. Romeo was standing below her and Luna Girl's Magnet —Scepter, she observed— was holding another Moon Bubble with a boy in green trapped inside.

"Gekko!" Owlette shouted, shocked.
The PJ Masks were not counting on the villains working together and this surely took Owlette by surprise. As Luna Girl got hold of Owlette's Moon Bubble, the villains exited the Museum and were headed towards what looked like the Library.


Catboy pounced on another one of the Ninjalinos. Night Ninja threw a sticky splat right at his face. Some of it went into his mouth. Spitting it out, Catboy growled. He pounced right on top of Night Ninja's head and using his claws, tore his mask. Catboy leaped back onto the ground and that was when a ray hit him. He looked up to see the attacker, and there was Luna Girl on her Board, snickering. She controlled the Bubble using her Scepter and they were headed outside the Library. His eyes widened when he saw both of his teammates trapped in some sort of cage. He was equally shocked to see Romeo and the Wolfies by their sides. Luna Girl dropped the Moon Bubble to the ground and deactivated the force field. Just when Catboy was about to leap off, Howler threw a metallic ball at him and it transformed into a cage in a split second. The cage caught Catboy in mid air and it dropped to the ground. Catboy looked at his teammates, anxiety and confusion evident in his eyes. From the corner of his eye, he saw Romeo taking out a small machine from his backpack. Gekko and Owlette too were trapped in metal cages. Gekko was about to roll away by pushing the cage to one side when he was zapped by a blue light. He was frozen in whatever position he was in. Rip eyed the machine curiously.

"What's that?" she asked.

Romeo patted the machine proudly.

"It's the Paralyser. I found this baby back in my vault yesterday night. Pretty sweet, huh?"

Romeo zapped Catboy and Owlette with it too. That was when Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos came running towards the group. They joined the gathering of heroes and villains.

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