He gasped, annoyed that they were shoving him into the background once again. "What?"

"Yeah, you're the lookout."

"And you, Katy, stay with Klaus."

"What?" She gaped, shocked that her boyfriend didn't trust her to help when she had proved several times how helpful she could be. It was the main thing that they had argued about all week, and instead of learning from it so that they wouldn't argue again; Diego had done exactly what he had promised not to do and she was fuming. "I can help you."

"You are helping, by making sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Diego kissed her cheek, before running after Luther towards the stage and called over his shoulder to them. "Just let us know if anything happens."

Klaus and Kate were both annoyed that they had been left as lookouts. Klaus hated that his family didn't believe he was powerful enough to stop something like the apocalypse and his powers were deemed as not helpful because he wasn't super strong or able to fling knives around with precise movements. What his siblings didn't know was that there was more to his powers than they realised and he had been trying hard to enhance this power over the last few days; it was one of the reasons that he had stayed sober to unlock these new abilities. But his siblings didn't believe that he was capable of anything interesting and didn't give him a chance to prove himself; therefore, he was stuck on lookout duty. Kate was more annoyed with the fact that underestimating her and been something Diego had always done but this week she had proved that she could take care of herself and that she was an asset to his family. She was sure that it would count for something in the long-run but putting her on lookout duty was a slap in the face; it was him telling her in front of his other siblings that he deemed her to be unworthy of mission status. And she hated it.

"Bullshit." She mumbled, kicking a stone across the street as they headed back to the front of the theatre to start their lookout job. "I hate being lookout."

"So, do I, why do they underestimate us?" Klaus agreed with her, not mentioning that Ben was totally on their side with this whole thing, and flailing his arms around in protest. "We could really help them."

"Yeah, we could save the day!"

They stopped outside of the building and turned to face each other. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving." She nodded, gesturing over her shoulder where there was a van parked on the other side of the street. "I saw a burrito van over there."

"This is why you're my favourite." He beamed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as they walked across the street to the burrito van; their worries about being lookouts long gone. "Gosh, Katy, how did I survive without you? Shit, sorry, forgot the whole Katy thing."

"No, it's okay, you can call me Katy. But you're paying for the burritos."

It didn't take them long to get their burritos, but the guy seemed kind of sketchy and Kate wasn't sure if she trusted the food enough to eat it when the end f the world was so close. She didn't want her last meal on earth to be something that would make her extremely sick; she'd rather have travelled down to the donut shop and made something in the kitchen for her and Klaus to enjoy as it seemed like they would be spending their final moments together. Instead of with the people that they truly loved. They were so busy faffing over their burritos that both of them missed the armed guards that had tracked them down at the bowling alley, heading into the theatre and also missed just how many there were; because there were more than before and they had more guns than before. Klaus was complaining about his burrito as they stepped away from the van. "I didn't ask for cilantro."

Kate stopped in the middle of the street and looked upwards, sure that she could hear gunshots in the distance. "Can you hear something?"

"Shit, we were supposed to be on lookout." Klaus panicked when he saw Cha-Cha, the assassin that had killed Dora walking down the street and quickly dragged Kate into the theatre; both of them throwing their burritos behind them because they didn't have time to poison themselves right now. They needed to save their family, who were fighting hundreds of gunmen inside the theatre. The theatre was empty apart from the siblings and the gunmen, meaning that the entire audience had ran out of the building and yet the two lookouts had missed it. Klaus was panicking more than normal as they burst through the doors of the theatre and warned his siblings. "Guys, it's Cha-Cha!"

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