22. Resort

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"OIY LUFFY ARE YOU READY!?" Garp shouts.

"ALMOST I NEED MY GIFT!?" Luffy shout backs.

"God dammit Boy" Garp groans.

Ace was packing his clothes, little sadden from recent events. But sabo was helping, trying cheer ace up.

"Come on, it wouldn't be that bad...." Sabo said.

"Yeah but feel like I'm third wheeling..." ace said

"Guys did you got the tickets?!" Luffy shouts.

"Yes we got them Luffy!?" Ace shouts.

The three brothers carried their baggage and luggage. They wore warm sweaters with their own logos.

"Oh let take a picture of this moment" Rouge said as she pull a camera and took a photo of them.

"Rouge they going on holiday, not to war?" Garp said.

"I know but this moment going last long enough till they have children" Rouge smiles.

"MAAA!?!" Ace, Sabo and Luffy shouts as garps laughs. They hugs goodbye and leave the apartment room. Heading down to the garage they took the van and drives off.

"Pick up Koala she closer" sabo said.

"Alright sir Sabo, i get your milady real quick" Ace grumbles. As he turn around the corner. Driving down the road, pasting building and shops. Till the van enter a suburban area, where vertical building line up. As a figure standing front of the house.

Koala waved at the van as the Van park on the side. Sabo unbuckled his seat belt and jump outs.

"Hi Koala bear, excited for the resort?" Sabo smiles.

Koala kissed sabo on the cheek, "yes i am, care to help me young gentlemen" Koala smiles.

"God, just get a room you two" Ace said. Sabo laugh and carries her luggage into the back of the van.

"Oh hello Luffy, are we picking up your girl- friends Hancock" Koala teased as she hop in the back seat.

"Yeah, why did you have to say it like that?" Luffy said.

"Like what, i don't even know what you mean?" Koala giggles. Luffy rolled his eyes. Sabo and Ace chuckled, changing gears and drove off.

The van drives out of the neighborhood. And into the city, changing different routed and streets. It drives into the manor area.

Hancock was standing on the pavement. The van stop by the side, Hancock flinch back.

"HI-YA HANCOCK YOU READY!" Luffy shouts as he hops out.

Hancock sighs of relief and walked up to Luffy. He look up at her, as Hancock hugs him close.

"Yes, with you anything will be perfect for me" Hancock blushed. Luffy help Hancock Luggage into the back of the Van. Hancock walked inside the back and seated down. Soon Luffy sat beside Hancock as she snaked her arms around him.

"Yeah i be your guy's chauffeur" Ace Mumbles and drives off.

Three rides head to the resort. The first car consists of Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Koala and Hancock.

The second Car consists of Franky, Nojiko, Sanji, Nami, Brook, usopp and Kaya.

the Third car consists Kid, Bonney, Law, Monet, Robin, zoro, Chopper and carrot.


Each car took the free ways. Some of them Nap inside the ride. The long ride past each city in japan and into more costal region.

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