Chapter 13 New day

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"L-luffy....." Hancock said.

"Hmm yes Hancock?" Luffy said.

"I-i am so sorry.....I'm so sorry..." Hancock silently weep.

"Hey hey don't cry it just a flesh wound" Luffy said.

"No....just you said you seen my back..... would you like to see it again, a closer inspections" Hancock said.

"Mmmmm sure.... why not" Luffy said.

Hancock sigh and turn around. She bring her back to Luffy, as she unbuttoned couple button of her blouse and dropped down to the ground.

She pull her hair and bringing over to her shoulders. Luffy see hancock back with the celestial dragon mark, with a circle and 4 clar mark, three ontop and 1 in the middle. Luffy walked up and place his hand on the mark, Hancock gasped.

"Yes, now i remember..... for once i was really hoping was the other mark, Nami Co-worker and our classmark Hachi had a sun mark on his forehead" Luffy said as he lower his head, his hair cover his eyes.

"You mean the mark of Commissioner Tiger Fish?" Hancock said.

"Yeah, it funny how we all manage to make it out of alive" Luffy said.

Hancock slowly smiles as she was tearing up. She get down and pick up her blouse and cover herselfs. She wipe her tears off and turn around and face luffy.

"I wish i known it sooner, i made you more injured then before" Hancock said.

"No it ok, i been worse....." Luffy said as he tried to smiles but winced in pain.

"You Fought Foxy, and got hit by his slow slow beam, gotten bruised and bloody, then you fought agains Us Three and i gotten you a gnarly mark" hancock said as she lower her head.

"I be fine..." Luffy said.

"NO IT NOT, Let me Bandages you better" Hancock said as she walked of her bed and to her makeup drawers. She open slots and her cabinets. She bring a needle and string. With bandage, alcohol and wipes.

"Luffy, can you rest on the bed" Hancock said.

"Sure" Luffy said as he cross down on the bed. Hancock walked over to Luffy and dapped on cotton ball with alchohol. She take the blood soak bandages and tossed away.

She gulp as she see the huge wound on luffy left cheek. She bite her lip, she was punishing herself in her mind. But she clean out any infection and grab the needle and string and connect them.

"This will hurt alright Luffy" Hancock said as she got to her knees and grab hold Luffy head.

"Oh i be- OWWWWWWW!!" Luffy scream as hancock stitched up the wound. Closing it tightly, and cutting it off, she clean off and place bandage on it. She soon cleans off the cuts mark on his body.

"Thanks Hancock" Luffy said.

"Your welcome Luffy" Hancock smiles and mumbles. "Darling~" she said silently. Soon Luffy yawns, then realized something.

"AH CRAP I FORGOT!?" Luffy Jumps up from the bed, hancock flinched back.

"W-what what is it, what wrong luffy?" Hancock said.

"Shit...I'm no at home....Man Garp is going kill me.... and kill me more with the scar i have" Luffy said.

"Don't, you rest for the night, tomorrow morning i could drop you off home, let you get ready for school" Hancock said.

Luffy groan and slump his back on the bed. He sighed and steady his breathing. Hancock lean to her side next to Luffy. Soon Luffy passout from exhaustion Hancock chuckles cutely as she twirl her finger around luffy string of hair.

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