Chapter 10 Escape

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Luffy look around and leaves the basment. He runs out of there and head into the hallway. He remembers what sabo told him.

He dash through to the end of the school till he saw the school office. He tried pulling the door handle but lock.

"Dammit lock again..... how could i get inside" Luffy whisper. He look around and see a vent.

"Perfect" Luffy grinned as he strechted his body and his arm. Pulling the vents lid off. And slide his body into the vent. He crawl into the space.

"Man, even the vents are clean, but i need an opening" Luffy thought, till he resched another lid. He pulled the lid vent open and set it aside. He stretched down to the floor and look around.

He walked down the offices, each rows has desk, Counselor rooms, conference room. He tiptoed down the corridors till he saw headmaster Office room.

"There it is....making sure no one around here" Luffy said silently.

He grab onto the knob and snap it open. He gulps as he pushes the door. But inside headmaster sengeku room.

There was a fireplace, large floor carpet, 4 tables and 8 chairs, walls of portraits and Camera photos. Of a black Large smooth Afro man with long breader beard wearing glasses.

There was medals of marines, navy, and army. Luffy look around till he saw a small oval glass case with red cusion. There it lies a medallion showing skulls and bones, center of it was a larger skull with large double curve mustache.

"" Luffy was mesmerized by the medallion. He gulps as he lift the case. And he grab it the medallion, it was bigger then his hand.

He blew for sigh of air. He sneak out of the room and tiptoe till he hear footstep coming behind him. Luffy turn left to right and hid behind the wall.

"Well i hope the assets are in place and i should really talk to newgate about the Stadium if he should pick out his student" Sengeku said as he walked into his office,

"I guess we should called Akainu to come by" Sengeku said as he shut the door.

Luffy sighed of relief and rushed out through door. And head into the hallway. Now the plan is survived and to escaped.

He run past bathroom doors. Till he whiffed a horrible smell. He gagged badly till someone shouts.

"Damn, that spoiled posion food, but man it was good burrito" Magellan said.

"Well i better get back to work, been on the shitter for 9 hours, luckily i have the tablet" magellum said as luffy hear a zipper sound and buckles noise and flushed toilets.

He hears whistling echoes from the bathroom stalls. as Luffy run away, holding his nose close.

"Huh i swear someone was here for a second go" Magellan said. He was longated face with fang from his lower jaw, with sharp hair and tattoos on his nose.

Luffy turn to another corner hiding from Megallun sight. He took a sigh of relief, swiping a sweat from his brow.

"WHAT THE HELLLLL!!!!!!!" Sengeku screams loudly.

"Ugh oh" luffy said as he hear heavy running. He kept running till he slammed into someone.

"Aahhhhh!" They both falled to the ground.

"Watch where you going Tashigi" Mihawk said

"Sorry Student council president Mihawk" Tashigi said as she tries to find her glasses.

"Ugh sorry, oh here you go" Luffy said as he find Tashigi glasses and handed to her.

"Oh thank you" Tashigi said as she put her glasses on. Her vision cleared till she see luffy.

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