Chapter 15 Cafe

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"Oh oh i remember, there was the  time back In when I made a prank" Usopp said.

"What Prank?" Hancock said.

"I wouldn't say a prank prank but a prototype, testing" Usopp said.

"What does he mean by that?" Hancock whisper to Robin and Nami.

"You see" Robin said.

"Well i was there too" Chopper said.

"Well what happen?" Hancock said.

"Welllll...." Chopper said.

■■■■ flash back 2 years ago■■■

"Ok Luffy what i want you to do is strechted your body out" Luffy said.

"Hmm ok" Luffy said.

Usopp, chopper, franky, brook and Luffy were top of a constructed building. They stand top of open site, chopper and franky hauled cannon balls filled with gunpowder and hot sauce. While brook plays some tunes with his violin.

Luffy arms and legs strechted out and wrapped around steel rounds. His body strechted out as a slingshot.

"Alright I am Ready For the Slingshot" Luffy shouts.

"It time for CAPTAIN USOPP SPARTAN SLING SHOT!?!" Usopp shouts.

"SO AWESOME!" Chopper Glee.
"SUPPERR~~" Franky pose.

"Now Franky Pull Luffy back and Chopper " Usopp said.

Frank grab Luffy back and pulls him back. As chopper grab hold of a cannonball and get front of luffy. He bringing ontop luffy pad.

"NOW PULL BACK!!!" Usopp command.

"YES CAPTAIN USOPP YES" Chopper and Franky salute to Usopp.

"Now i want you Aim At the Dumpsters" Usopp said.

Franky and Chopper Pull luffy back and aims. Till a piece of rod that luffy left hand hold onto, tore off. Luffy shift down and leans to the right.

Franky and chopper tremble down, letting go of Luffy. Luffy screamed as he slingshots the cannon ball firing The Baratie.

The cannon ball shotted out of luffy. And speed off diagonally across and crash and explodes Zeff room.

"Uh...oh...." Luffy said, As Usopp, Franky, Chopper, and Brook, dropped their mouth and went white.

"UUUSSSSOOOOOOPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!" Sanji Shouts.

"Oh no i have it-not-me Disease" Usopp coughs loudly. " IT WAS LUFFY"  Usopp shouts as franky, Chopper, and Brook runs away. Leaving Luffy behind,

■■■■■ Presents ■■■■■

"Yeah Jerk, I had to be chore boy for the entire summer...SUMMER" Luffy Grumble.

"hahaha you should've seen my Stepfather, he was scolding Luffy and hitting him with his chef top hat" Sanji laughs.

"Yeah he tried to prank us back but it always bite him" Zoro said.

"Really what he tried to do?" Hancock said.

"Well snot drop in glass of water" Zoro said.

Hancock shiver of the thought.

"Whatever You Guys are jerks" Luffy said.

"Oh don't get me Started last year" Nami said.

"What happen?" Hancock said.

"Well it was my 14 Birthday....." Nami said.

■■■■ Last year ■■■■■

"Happy Birthday Nami!" Everyone said.

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