Chapter 3 Auditorium

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Everyone kept walking as few student holding cameras.

"Hey why those idiots holding cameras?" Zoro said.

"Don't know must be some kind of photography club for year books or something?" Sanji said.

"Bro here she come"
"Oh man oh man she coming"
"Shit there two they are coming"
"Guys your camera out here they come"

"Never mind they are Perverts" Sanji said.

"Your're the one to talk" Zoro, Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper all said that to sanji.

"WATCHA SAY!" Sanji shouts.

"Canned it Sanji" Nami scolds.

"Yes Nami-Dear " Sanji showing hearts eyes.

"But what they say two coming?" Usopp said.

"Heh who Cares, I'm Just hun-" Luffy collided to something soft. Till Feminine gasped can heard. Everyone in the hallways frozed up and widen their eyes.

"Oh sorry, couldn't see you there" Luffy chuckled as he pat his jacket off.

"H-how...DARE YOU BUMP INTO ME!!" said a tall, long black hair woman with front side extension. As two other girls taller then her with one having green hair and the other orange.

"Sis is this little man brothering you?"
"Should we take him out?"

"Hey i said i was sorry...... who ever you are?" Luffy said.

Everyguy went cold, like they passout from fright. No soul inside of them, out of shock.

"DUMBASS HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK!" All the males students all.

"Well i see you need a proper lesson," hancock said as she whip her hair back. As every male students including Sanji, brook, franky, Usopp all went heart shape eyes and tongue sticking out.

"I Boa Hancock Queen of the Grand line high school" she said. As she lean back her head and point straight at luffy. "AND YOUR BENEATH ME SCUM!"

"Ah sister?" Marigold said.

"What is it now?" Hancock said.

"He gone" Sandersonia said.

"W-WhAt!!!" Hancock stood up and turn around. Looking everywhere to find Luffy. Only to find him further away then her.

"Like i said who care i am hungry" Luffy said.


"Honestly what with Hammock" Luffy said.

"IT HANCOCK YOU MORON" Sanji, Usopp, and franky scold him.

The group continues to walked aways. As Luffy Stunned hancock.

"It was Impressive what you did strawhat"

"Yeah kinda shocker really heh"

Luffy turn his head towards two figures. One with firey red spikey hair, with red lipsticks and eye shadow wearing grey shirt and black pants. And the other next to him is spotted cap, side burns and trimmed gotye with yellow sweater and black pants.

"Umm who are you red and emo?" Luffy said.

"Heh I'm Trafalgar Law and this here my friend Eustass Kid" Law said.

"Yeah and I'm Not Red punk" Kidd said.

"Well what you said earlier?" Luffy said.

"Well Everyone male and female are in tranced by Hancock beauty, except you just flat out ignore her even she threaten you" Kid grinned.

"Yeah even head captian and club leaders with their popularity tried to ask her only to be reject, coldly. Humility, even death" Law said.

"Is that so..... well not my problem" Luffy said.

"Heh i like this punk, say why not join us" Kid said.

Soom luffy join Law and Kid straight into the Auditorium.

"Did....luffy just ditch us?" Usopp said.

"Off course not..... we just meet them later, come on" nami said.

Later as everyone gather into the auditorium, law, kid, and Luffy all sitting front row. On stage was a large podium with size changing microphones.

Behind the podium was 9 students wearing black uniforms, 6 schools staffs. Till a tall bald man with large white mustache extending out. He walked front of the microphone and clears his throat.

"Good Morning First Year I Am Principal Edward Newgate but you can Call me WhiteBeard. I came here to welcome you to the Grand Line High School" WhiteBeard said as students starts clappings.

"As for Introduction Zephyr  and Aokiji our Counseler, Dalton our head of Security, and Kin'emon our Superintendent, but we are missing Vice-princple Shanks, but anyways"

"To our two doctors Hiriluk and our newest Doctor Davy Jones joining this school"

"Plus our Proud Student Council" Whitebeard said as he show everyone on the stage. As 9 Members of The Student Council.

"Rob Lucci our Student President would you like few words of greeting" WhiteBeard said.

A black Top hat wearing male Student with his sleeves rolled up, with a white Tie and Napkin on his chest pouch. He got up and walked up to the podium, lowering the Microphone  to him.

"As he said before we really are Grateful that This Year More Students attend this wonderful School, we are hoping that this year Will be great but there is rules of this School" Lucci said.

"Rule one, There will be no Fighting unless Challenges will be involved"

"Rule two, there will be no vandalism On this Property"

"Rule Three, never bully anyone who are lesser then you"

"Rule Four, Don't Heavly Use your Devil Fruit Powers, We Cant Use Them Freely as we wish"

"Rule Five Always Treats Other Equally"

Soon students starts clapping up. Couple whistle cheers. Soon Lucci walked back to his chair as WhiteBeard walk to the Podium.

"And Remember, We Are Family, we always be One" Whitebeard smiles.

Everyone got up from their chairs in the auditorium. They walked out from  through 6 doors. As Luffy Group walked out and waited for luffy. They till hear laughters and commotion. From the Crowd, Luffy, Kid and Law emerged from the crowd.

"GUYS GUESS WHAT!!" Luffy shouts.

"That you Ditch us for these two?" Usopp said crossing his arms.

"No, they going be part of our Group" Luffy said.

"WHAAAATTT!!!!" everyone except for zoro and robin as they look at look at Law and Kid.

"Well you wouldn't Mind 2 more as well.." Kid said.

"Why where are they?" Chopper said.

"You will see them in lunch" law said.

Soon they head back to Homeroom.  As they walked inside the room they saw shanks organizing papers. He heard the door open and look up.

"Hey guys how it go?" Shank said.

"It was ok"
"Kinda alright"
"Not that too excitingly" everyone said as he took their seats.

"Cheer up everyone they are saving the moment for their third year" shanks said as he see Kid and law. "Aw Eustass Kid and Trafalgar Water D. Law, thank you for joining us.... all we are missing is..."

He was interrupted by a door slide opening. Everyone turn their attention Boa Hancock standing there wearing a yellow sweater vest and skirt.

"Miss Boa Hancock, nice of you to join us, now take a seat" Shanks said.

"Hmph" Hancock said as she flip her hair back. As everyone male students went heart shape. She walked down the aisle of desk till she saw luffy.

"YOUR HERE!?" Hancock shouts

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