Chapter 18 Halloween Party

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Luffy was Napping After school at home. He snores loudly dreaming snack, food and candies.

"Oi Luffy, You up?" Ace said.

Ace knocked at his door. He listen carefully, hearing luffy snoring. Ace groaned and kicked the door opens.


"Huh....oh hey ace..... why are wearing A cowboy?" Luffy Yawns.

" because I choose to be A cowboy Bounty Hunter, it sad i tried ordering clint Eastwood but someone else took it" Ace said.

"And sabo?" Luffy said.

"Lupin the gentleman Theif" Ace reply.

"Well the party dont start till 7...." Luffy yawns and lays back down.

"It about 30 minute till 7 and don't you have to pick up Hancock?" Ace said.

"GAHH WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME???" Luffy jolts up. He jump out of bed, he rush around his room looking for his costume.

"DAMMIT WHERE IS IT???" Luffy screamed.

Ace was leaning on Luffy door frame, amused of his little brother antics.

"Mom has your costume, she just patching few things that all" Ace said.

Luffy sighs and ran past ace. As he chuckled at Luffy, luffy rushed down to the living area as Rouge was stitching a pirate logo on a pirate cape.

"Oh Luffy You finally awake" Rouge said.

"Yeah sorry mama Rouge i was napping" Luffy said.

"Good because that person you promised will be disappointed by your actions" rouge.

"I know i know, Can i put on my costumes pleaasssee mama Rouge" Luffy whined.

"All alright, here" Rouge Said as she handed Luffy Costume. "Now Young man, I want you comb your hair and clean your face, Still Disappointed You got that scar on your left cheek" Rouge said crossing her arms.

"I fine, i think it the scare make the best feature with the costume alongside" Luffy said.

"Still, And Still Astonished you ask a girl out to the dance, oh how romantic Luffy" Rouge praised.

"I guess, but Hey Hancock is part of the group, it the least i can do" Luffy said as he walked to the bathroom.

He took his shirt off and pants, Wearing only his Underwear. He putting on Black shirt with long sleeves. Then he put on red Vest with golden Button, he put on blue pants and sandles.

Then black Epaulette, a
ornamental shoulder piece with gold strings around it. And black Cape with strawhat Skull with bones cross behind it.

He soon pick a Large Long rolled black mustached and place below his nose, with few tiny hair beard on his chin. He look at the mirror and grinned, as he pull out the one piece from his neck then he remembers the coin from the mall.

"Oh right, if i have the one piece.....and the Coin.... Maybe Hancock want one" Luffy said as he shrugged head and grab the coin.

Luffy finish few touches in his costumes. As he walked to Rouge, holding the coin.

"Hey Mama Rouge can you do something real quick before i go" Luffy ask.

"Yes what is it?" Rouge said.

Luffy hold up the coin, "I want you make this as a necklace I'm Going give this to Hancock" Luffy said.

"Aww already, yes of course i make it real quick" Rouge said, she got up from the couch. She went to luffy and grab the coin, with few beads, a drill hole on side of the coin. With Hancock symbols circulars around.

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