Chapter 20 Conspiracy

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Within the walls of Grand Line High school. Not everything is what it seems. As much to everyone dismayed, some families and group wanted to take down the school and ruin the reputation.

The Charlotte family who their mother works there. Want to changed their view onto the school.

The Beast Family who have a iron fist bloodline want to transform this school as controlled landed.

And the Student Councils who are part of a deceit plan to try to take the school to become part of the Government School property.

Somewhere in the school Robin as carrying books from the library. She got a heavy assignment from one of her teacher. And school was about to close soon, as she walking past the hallways. She slowly stops and hear some commotion from the council room.

"So how we getting the one piece?" Fukurou said.

"Hmm who has it again?" Jabra said.

"That strawhat Boy, freshman first year.... he manage to get inside.... he had help" Kaku look at them.

"How in the hell he got in?" Jabra groaned.

"He had help, his brothers and few student and Mihawk failed to detain Strawhat" Kalifa said fixing her glasses.

"Well i say, we capture him and beat the living soul out of him" Kumadori said.

"No no you idiot if we did that he won't tell us where the one piece!?!" Nero Hissed.

"Hmmm where is lucci and Blueno?" Kalifa said.

"They said they going have a errand to do?" Laskey said.

" man errand this errand that AND OUR BOSS IS SO ANNOYING!" Jabra growls.

"Easy there flea bag, careful where you barking!!" Fukurou shouts.

"Look Mr. Spandam gave us this assignment to try control this school and now we have this bigger Obstacle and is that to retrieve the one piece. " Kalifa remind them.

They all grumble and agreed. As Robin heard everything, she back off. But without her notice, a hand appears behind her. It grab the back of her head and slammed to the walls. Making a cracking dent on the wall as Robin groans in pain.

"You know it not very considerate to eavesdrop on the council". Bluneo said in a calm but menacing tone.

Robin look at him then Bluneo grab Robin two arm and bind it behind her back. He dragged her inside the room  as the council kept arguing.

Till bluneo throws robin into the table. As the council got up and see robin struggling to get up.

"This is Nico Robin, she is also friend with our target" Lucci said as he came appear from door frame.

"Huuuh?? Really???" Jabra said.

"How much you hear?" Fukurou said.

"Oh she heard enough" Blunoe said.

"So what should we do to her?" Kumadori reply.

"Oh maybe hehehe, is she tell us where the one piece is?" Nero said.

"Dumbass that be too easy, is she know?" Laskey said.

"The one piece? As both school rivalry item that fought for years?" Robin look at them.

"Well she know abit, so that settle that we on the same page" Kalifa said pushing her glasses back.

Lucci walked front of robin and knelt down front of her.

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