Ch. 1 - 365 Ways

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Andre and Tori danced around the stage, set up in the parking lot of the Hollywood Arts parking lot as they sung their hearts out together.

How can I get it through

That I am the one you can't lose

I'll try 365 days

365 ways to get to you

How could one dude sound so good? Sheesh. His chocolate skin gleamed under the lights of the large outdoor stage. His energy was at an all time high as his voice flowed with ease.

Gosh he was so talented...and so handsome.

Tori stood on the stage with him, equally shining, being the starlet that she was. Part of me couldn't help but be slightly jealous- not because of how talented she was or anything- but sis was just a little close to him. The chemistry between the two was often talked about by a few of my classmates, I knew it to be just a least it didn't seem that way to me beyond the stage. During our friend groups usual hangouts Tori and Andre seemed to be friends...just friends and nothing more...I hope that was truly the case.

But she was my best friend...I had no right to be jealous of her....if she liked him she would tell me....right?

"You keep frowning like that and you're gonna be as ugly as Tori.", Jade elbowed me, pushing me out of my daze as the performance continued.

"I'm sorry...I just-"

"She doesn't like him Armoni."

Feeling embarrassed I give Jade a sheepish smile. "Am I that obvious?"

I've liked Andre for as long as I'd known him. I met him my freshmen year at Hollywood Arts, getting into the school due to my dancing capabilities. The braided haired boy was a great friend and supernaturally talented from the get go. His funny jokes made classes that were often a struggle for me, like music theory, easier to get through. Our friend group also began to solidify around that time, but we all didn't reach an ultimate level of closeness until Tori arrived to the school our Junior year. We were seniors now, in the middle of our last year of high school, ready for whatever the world has to offer us.

I just hope I get closer to Andre before its all over....

"No..he probably can't even tell that you like him.", Jade admitted. "You know how clueless guys can be."

She gave me a reassuring smirk as Beck made his way to her, wrapping his arms around her bodice after planting a small kiss on her forehead.

I sighed sadly,"Yeah...clueless."

"Don't be sad!", Cat ran to my side,"Here's some bibble!"

The redhead made me giggle as she gave me a handful of colored popcorn.

"Bibble makes everything better!"

"Thank you, Kitty Cat.", I pulled the cheerful girl into a hug, making her smile while holding a gigantic bucket of Bibble. The performance had came to an end and applause along with cheers of joy filled the parking lot. Tori and Andre made their way to us.

"YOU DID SO GOOD!", I shouted running to Tori, hugging my best friend while jumping up and down.

"Thank You!"

Andre appears beside me, flashing me a sexy smile,"Can I get one of those? Ya know I performed up there too."

Feeling butterflies run through my stomach I give a small laugh,"Of course, Dre."

He wraps his arms around me, making me smile like a little kid. I take in the heavenly scent of his cologne, meeting eyes with Jade as she gives me a small wink. The hug only lasts for a few seconds but I try my best to take in every aspect of his touch. Once we pull away, the brown haired boy gives me a large smile before making his way towards Beck and Jade.

"What was that?", Tori whispers, creeping up next to me.

"What was what?"

"Girl that like him!!!!", Tori all but yells.

"Shhhh!!!!", I peer over my shoulder ensuring that Andre didn't hear her. "You have to lower your tone!"

"Sorry!", she squeals. "But that is sooo cute!!!!"

"Tori!!", Robbie called out from the snack bar,"We need you over here!"

"Coming!", the brunette began to take a few steps before I grabbed her arm,"This stays between us okayyyy?"

"Okay! I promise my lips are sealed!"

She sashayed her way to the snack bar holding a secret behind her lips...but part of me couldn't help but feel like she definitely wasn't telling the truth.

She better not say a word....

I back over to where Jade, Beck, and Andre are standing. Andre's bright smile flashes as he conversates with the two.

Dang that boy was so fine to meee!

"You should tell him how you feel.", Cat stood by my side, making me jump as she stuffed bibble into her mouth.

"NOO- I can't."

"I understand! You don't want to face brother was rejected once.", the redhead looks off into space as a sparkle of a memory covers her eyes,"He started bathing in caramel and soup afterwards."


"He's much better now though!....he just smells like sweet veggies. But STILL! I think Andre deserves to know!"

Before I can even respond Cat scurries away leaving me to my thoughts.

Rejection or not....He probably did deserve to know about how I felt towards him....Sheesh, that's one of the smartest pieces of advice Cat's ever given me.

We'll see....

"Aye Moni! Don't just stand by yourself, join us!", Andre's voice snaps me out of my thoughts as he waves me over.


Yeah...we will see.

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