"Well that's that," I said with a sigh as I sat up and looked over at the time to see that it was almost 8. 

"Who are you patroling with?" Jasper asked as he sat up from his relaxed position on the couch.

"Seth and Leah, but I'm training with them beforehand. Seth is still new, and Leah's a natural but I think her temper might be worse than Jakes," I said with a sigh. 

"Well, Jasper here is going to be hanging out with us tonight," Joseph said sliding onto the couch and throwing an arm over Jasper's shoulders. 

"Making a new friend?" I asked sarcastically. 

"No, no, you see he's our brother-in-law, so as the laws state, we are legally obligated to get to know him better, you know like brothers should," Joseph said, a triumphant smile on his face as he did so. 

"If you're going to use him to try to get Auntie to stay here, then I have to say... good eye," I said with a wink making Joseph let out a laugh. 

"Hold on-" Jasper tried but Joseph only cut him off. 

"You see it too right! She likes him, right?" Joseph said pointing at a confused Jasper, which only made me laugh. 

"She does, maybe it was the gumbo," I pondered playfully before I stood up from the couch and stretched a bit. 

"Feel free to run as fast as you can away from them," I told Jasper as I leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

"When will you be back again?" Joseph asked. 

"Early, maybe 11 since we do have minors in the pack," I taunted playfully making Joseph glare at me which I could only laugh at. 

'Loser' Adrea chided with a chuckle. 

"I have been meaning to get to know your family better, but I thought there'd be some hostility since I proposed without telling anybody," Jasper pondered.

"Water under the bridge," said Lucas, coming out of fucking nowhere and wrapping his own arm around Jasper. 

"I mean, I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier," Lars said popping downstairs as he too stood beside Jasper. 

"You too Lars?" I asked him with a quirked eyebrow. 

"Don't look at me like that, the weather's nice here," Lars said with his arms crossed. 

I looked at Jasper, who looked around at my cousins hesitantly. No doubt because he didn't know them all that well, and of course because he was never one to talk too much without me being there or his own family. 

"Okay, but I do have to go hunting later thou-" Jasper was yet again cut off by Lucas.

"Great! I'll call Emmett!" Lucas cheered. 

"I got Tywin," Lars said whipping out his own phone. 

"And I got Edward," Joseph said. 

All of this happened in less than 12 seconds by the way.

'Yea, get the fuck out of here' Adrea said. 

"Well, I hope you guys have fun," I said with a wave as I began to speed walk out of the house. 

"Audre?!" Jasper called. 

"I love you Jazzy, bye!" I said turning around with a wide smile and a wave before booking it out of there. 

'You've quite literally, left him to the wolves,' Adrea said. 

'I'd rather him be with those wolves than the others,' I shot back at her. 

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