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It haunted him like a ghost - invading his very dreams almost every night, his thoughts whenever it was possible. It was almost beyond the bounds of possibility for Son to stop existing in his mind.

He would sketched his face - his ability to draw had always been there since he was a child, hence why Perth thought he was more of an artistic being rather than the scientific - Perth would sketch Son's face from his memory every single day, without fail. His art book was failing to hide underneath his mattress as days went by and he resolved it by hiding it in his drawer, where his roommate couldn't find.

But of course, the ginger with freckles down his neck would notice, his mysterious roommate from England seemed to be lost in thought most of the time. If he wasn't studying he'd be facing the window, staring out in the open with a sketch book in hand. The ginger - David - out of curiosity asked Perth of what he was drawing and Perth would just show him - a picture of a mesmerizing male almost feminine with, always, only his eyes were coloured blue. But never once Perth would tell him who the mysterious yet truly breathtaking face belonged to.

A lover - possibly - the confused roommate thought. Perth wasn't one to go on dates while he lived in that foreign country but he was never on the phone with a particular person either. So who could that person he repeatedly sketched be? And when David enquired about the reason behind such drawings, Perth answered simply - he didn't have his picture so he didn't want to forget his face. David left it at that, thinking that his roommate was better left unbothered.




Time went agonizingly slow, torturing the lad to the brink of his sanity until it was the day he graduated with a medical degree. The day came when he received a letter from his university congratulating him. His convocation went on and Perth saw the faces of his parents in the crowd when he went up stage but he never greeted them, disappearing into his hostel. He couldn't face his father, not even after three years.

Then it was the time he was bound to go home. Even the flight felt longer than it's supposed to be and Perth couldn't fall asleep because he was coming back to where Son was. The first thing he would do when he reached the ground was look for Son.

He tried to escape his father's men when he saw them as he walked through the 'arrival' gates but of course, they caught onto him, gripping his arms like he was the president's son or something. He would struggle, throw a couple of punches as they dragged him to the car, but once he saw Yacht and Prem inside, he immediately calmed down and the thought forgotten.

They gave each other the longest hugs and Perth realised how much he missed his friends. The car started moving and his two mates began bombarding him with questions of Canada. Yacht went more specific, "how were the girls?" and Perth answered with a shrug because while he was there, he didn't notice anyone. Son conquered his mind. Son was everything to him. He even graduated because of Son.

The car moved and Perth wanted to ask of Son from his friends but before he knew it, he already arrived to a familiar place - his family home.



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