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Perth couldn't sleep that night. He and Prem had stayed by Son's side until he was asleep once more and it wasn't that long waiting for the younger boy's breathing to even, his eyes closed, his face returned to its serene composure like before he was rudely awaken by the two lad's argument. It's such wonder looking at Son's face - how dark circles and bruises by his lips made him appear much older - Perth couldn't help but wonder when was the last time he had a good night's sleep? Or when was the last time he actually felt safe? Where did he come from? How- or what is he?

Prem gave up for the night, not bothered bringing up the argument again or trying to answer Perth's questions because he honestly didn't know. So he excused himself and retreated to his bedroom for the night. Perth on the other hand lay awake on the sofa and sometimes, his gaze would fall by the opened door of his room just to make sure Son was still asleep. And indeed he was every time. That should put Perth's mind to ease right? That Son was sleeping. Wrong. His thoughts swam in possibilities- good or bad - and at one point it ached because he was thinking too much.

He was actually contemplating of sending Son to the hospital just to check whether the boy needed any stitches anywhere or whether he was bleeding internally but if he did, Son didn't have any papers with him and in the end, the police would be involved. Perth didn't want that because they'd take Son away and Perth's main problem was that Son would fall in the wrong hands (including some people in the government). Son might not get the best treatment if he was handed over to a bunch of people that has a great disregard for Son's best interest.

Another thing that was keeping him awake all night was him and his sudden burst affection towards Son. He had never cared deeply for someone he just met, moreover someone he picked up from the eets but when he looks at Son all he saw was a child, broken and scared and alone - Perth just wanted to help him. That's right, his intentions were good, it was only to help Son. There was nothing more to it because Perth wasn't attracted to the boy, physically, heck he was straight (so he thought).

Perth tried to sleep with his face in the pillows, didn't work. He tried covering his whole body with his blanket, failed too. Then he tried to sleep on the floor, well, it was too hard, his back was hurting like fuck so he ended up on the sofa again. Perth groaned, scratching his head irritatingly - obviously annoyed by his brain that didn't want rest. He went and made tea for himself, instead of sleeping, he needed to pee after. It was nearly four am when he finally fell asleep, only to be woken up just a few hours later when Prem was leaving for his part-time.

He groaned, rolling off the sofa, falling with a thud. Prem just shook his head leaving Perth groaning and moaning about how he couldn't sleep last night because he was over thinking. Well, Prem thought he could deal with Perth later but now he was late for work.

With the sun shining from outside in through the window of their living room directly hitting his face, Perth gave up on trying to continue his slumber. It was a Saturday after all and Saturdays meant late nights and naps. Maybe, since he was awake early he could make a nice breakfast for himself, go for a little jog around the neighbourhood (it was nice and chilly) then he'd study for a bit. But then he remembered he need not worry about studying anymore since he decided to quit med school - oh shit - he just recalled that his father gave - him till Monday to decide on whether to continue or have his funds cut off. Perth ended up hitting his head over and over to the floor making loud thudding noises that echoed through their small apartment, since he was like a little puddle that had solidified due time and was stuck to the ground unless removed his heavy duty stain remover.

After about twenty minutes of making a mess of his own thoughts - rolling around and pulling at his hair - Perth decided he needed to calm down. Make breakfast and tea, and just fucking calm down. As he walked to the kitchen, he saw his bedroom door was still open and a small body was still lying there, asleep. Perth actually went to check on whether Son was still breathing, and he was, Perth let out a sigh of relief. He was worried if Son had really passed out from some sort of shock and he needed to bring him to the hospital, but he wasn't so Perth proceeded to kitchen once more.

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