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Until the door bell rang.

As the sound echoed to every part of the house, waking even the sleepiest most drowsiest part, Perth and Son broke off from their kiss; their eyes quickly darted towards the door. Even Prem who had earlier went inside his room poked his head out the crack he made between the door and it's frame, he was topless, just preparing to take a nap before his shift at the café but his plans were put on hold when the bell rang.

Prem looked at Perth and vice versa, both questioning each other without words exchange yet the question remained the same - did you invite someone over?

Of course, Prem just shrugged because he didn't remember calling someone up to come over especially on nights he had to work. He wouldn't say he didn't have any friends he did, there were his co-workers at the café, his artist friends from the nearby studio, Boun - his on and off ex and well, Yacht, who he came acquainted because of Perth. If he really had invited someone over he would admitted.

Seeing that Prem was temporarily indecent, with his skinned abs exposed and those really tiny boxer shorts, Perth gently laid Son on the sofa so he could answer the door. The small bow cowered behind the back rest of the sofa, only the top of his head visible - blue eyes eyeing the door warily.

"Stay put, babe" Perth said, kissing the top of Son's head before heading towards the door, feeling as Son's fingers slip away from where it was tugging on Perth's shirt. He could hear Saint muttered his name but he just brought his finger to his lips, silencing the younger one.

Prem was there by Son's side in an instance, though he was only dressed to bed, he could care less. If it was someone who wanted to hurt the boy at the door, Prem won't hesitate to grab Son and make a run for it, yes, even with just a pair of boxers (the boxers Boun gave him for his birthday last year).

The silence was unnerving. If it was Yacht or Boun, they would knock again.

"Yes?" Perth questioned as he opened the door to an almost familiar man a black coat, underneath it was a uniform, all white - an orderly or a male nurse, Perth presumed it must've been the former seeing as calling someone a nurse made it seem that they were good. This man on the other hand, had dark brown eyes and a bald head. Call him judgemental; though he never meant to do so, but the man really looked like an escaped convict or a pirate, Perth wondered how he even earned the uniform.

"Good afternoon, sir" the man spoke, voice almost like a duck quacking, "we're from Mental Rehab-"

"Never heard of it" Perth cut him off, eyeing the man suspiciously, quirking an eyebrow and crossing his long arms in front of his chest. He knew immediately that this person standing in front of him was just like that orderly from the road block, the one who asked of Son. Perth wasn't dumb, neither was he forgetful.

"Ah, we're a new intuition just outside of town" the man lied smoothly, he even had the nerve to give Perth a courteous smile, showing his black teeth - a chronic smoker, Perth concluded, won't be long till emphysema kicks in.

Perth played along, nodding "I see. What brings you here at my doorstep on this lovely afternoon?"

"Well, sir, we recently had a break out. One of our... patients escaped."

Perth's eyes flickered to the living room for a moment, where Prem was holding Son, his hand over Son's mouth while he whispered in Son's ear for the boy to keep quiet.

"Our patient - he's young with chronic schizophrenia" the man continued, taking out a piece of paper from the stack he was holding. It was a familiar paper, a piece of paper given to Perth once. That particular paper where he had gotten from a road block he had tore into piece before throwing it into the fireplace, lighting it up.

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