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Prem had been watching him like a hawk.

Whenever he was around, especially when it was the three of them, Prem had his eyes set of Perth all the time. Whether it was breakfast lunch or dinner, or even just plain relaxing at the telly area - Prem was on to him.

During one dinner, Son had some pasta sauce over his bottom lip and when Perth pointed it out, he tried to wipe it off with his tongue, but because he was an adorable fuck, Son kept missing the spot. His face was all scrunched up in concentration as he tried to find the pasta sauce with his tongue while Perth navigated him. Though it was really adorable and he could watch it all day - as Son grew frustrated, his mouth turned into a cute little pout, Perth grew fonder of the boy - Perth really couldn't help himself. He leaned over and wiped the smear off with his lips (while at it he took advantage of gently licking the little boy's lips). Son immediately turned red and started giggling like a little school girl but on the other hand, Prem wasn't too happy. He who was also at the dinner table during the incident gave Perth a kick to the sheen and mouthing the words 'prison' to his friend.

And then there was movie time, when Perth had gotten back from the evening hospital duties and Prem's shift was in the morning, they decided to settle the night with a movie. They chose Avatar, something not too complicated for a teenager who had been held captive for years like Son to understand, and also because the boy had watched almost all the Disney movies available on Perth's DVD rack. So usually Saint would have the whole armchair for himself, or he'd be sitting on the floor where it was the nearest to the screen, his eyes wide as he watched the characters moved in high definition. But lately he has been comfortable with the two older lads, especially Perth.

It was still a surprise to Prem though when he walked in the living room with a bowl of fresh-out-of-the-oven popcorn to see Son cuddled up close to his friend. Son sat on Perth's side, head on Perth's chest while Perth had his arm protectively around the smaller boy. Perth would whisper words into Son's ear and he could hear Son giggle with his face all pink. It was a cute scene and Prem wouldn't mind it too much if Son wasn't a minor and Prem didn't just catch his best friend snogging the child. So Prem walked over behind them and gave Perth's head a hard smack. When Perth scowled at him for doing so, he mouthed once again the word 'prison' for the millionth time that day.

"I'm not saying you're not allowed to explore your newly found gay in you, you are, be my guest, I totally support you, being a gay man myself, but Perth, that's why there are clubs littered all over town! So you don't have to ruin an underage boy's innocence" Prem said to his friend one afternoon they were having tea. Son had fallen asleep after hours of drawing on an art block Prem had bought for him. The poor child wasn't allowed out without him or Perth but with them being busy on weekdays made it harder for them to take him out, so to cure the boredom, since he had been watching like thousands of SpongeBob episodes, Prem had bought Son some art materials. Being a free lance painter himself, Prem let Son explore his creative side with his own (expensive) crayons.

"I'm not exploring my newly found gay in me! Geez! You think I'm some kind of man-whore that fucks around!"

Prem raised a brow to that with a smug look on his face.

"Okay, whatever! I know I sleep around with girls-"

"Especially that red haired bitch, what's her name - Magenta?"

Perth laughed. Prem made it completely obvious that he hated Margaret, because whenever she's around, she always thinks she owns the place; ordering Prem to make her breakfast whenever Perth wasn't up yet or changing the channels when Prem was watching the telly.

"Margaret, Prem, Mar-ga-ret. And fuck it, when was the last time I bring any girl home, huh?" Prem was about to say last week, like how he always did whenever Perth threw him that questions but it seems, at that point when they had the conversation, that wasn't the case - Perth hadn't gotten anyone over since the arrival of a mysterious blue eyed boy. So, Prem closed his mouth again and had his pointing finger to his chin.

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