"Sorry if that was intrusive, but...considering your skin tone, I'd go lighter." He says.

"Because I'm pale?" I ask.

"Fair." He corrects. "I mean, you can't call skin like yours pale. Not skin that perfect." He smiles.

"Okay...?" I frown.

"Trust me. I-I have a unique perspective on the subject." He gently pushes me to the mirror and holds up a light red dress, holding it to my body for us both to look at. "See? Much better." He smiles. I pull away and turn to face him, holding a stare with him. "You're not here alone, are you? Shopping for dresses- with friends. High school dance."

"Formal." I nod. I take a step back and look around. "W-Who are you?" I ask. The man smirks at me.

"You don't recognize me, do you?" He asks.

"Should I?" I ask.

"With all the dreams and our first meeting out in the woods, I'd assume you'd know who I am." He smiles.

"I-I don't understand?" I question.

"Hm. Maybe you don't remember. It's okay, Lea. You'll remember eventually." He smirks.

"Why're you here? What do you want?" I ask.

"I wanna know why you're important." He sighs.

"I-Important?" I question with a laugh.

"You hear voices, yes? You dream of me, obviously. You sleepwalk into the woods, a lot. I wanna know why you're so important." He explains.

"I...I don't know. I just hear stuff." I shrug.

"Stuff? What do the voices say?" He asks.

"I-I don't know. Their always on top of each other. It's hard to understand them." I shrug.

"Oh. That's because you're not listening. Tell me, Lea. What are they saying now? What do you hear?" He asks. My eyes slowly fall to the floor and I began shaking my head.

"N-Nothing. I don't hear anything." I say.

"Oh, but their saying something, aren't they?" He asks. He leans in close to my ear. "Word of advice, if you hear the voices again, I'd listen very, very closely."

"Attention shoppers. To the owner of a blue Mazda, license plate-"

"Did she just say blue Mazda?" I hear Allison.

"-5768. Your car is being towed."

"Oh! That's my car!" Allison shouts and runs off. I turn back to the dark haired boy but he's gone. I let out a sigh and shake my head. He couldn't have been the alpha, as he's the only thing I'd been dreaming of lately and met face to face with him. But I'd figured the alpha would be something more like an older guy. But...that's not possible. What if it's actually him. But he advised me to listen to the voices. Why would he help me? Why would he help me feel even more crazier? That doesn't may any sense. If he wanted to, he would've killed me. But Scott did say...the alpha didn't want to kill us. He wanted Scott to do it.

Lydia, Allison and I finally find the perfect dresses and we take them home. Tonight's the big night and we were all stressing how we wouldn't find the perfect dress in time for the dance. But we did. Allison drops Lydia and I back home and we began getting ready.

"What time is stiles coming?" I ask Lydia.

"Might be here any minute. Are you almost ready?" She asks.

"Just about." I respond. Even though I didn't have a date, which I didn't care if I did or didn't, I decided to go anyways. I was carpooling with Stiles and Lydia to the dance. I'm gonna be taking my drivers test in a couple days and I'm more than excited to be passing it. Lydia has been allowing me to practice with her car and she's been helping me. It'll be easy for me.

Voices ☽ Teen Wolf {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now