13. Freedom

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A/N: why is Traitor by Olivia like my inspiration for writing right now?

Marinette's POV

A loud gasp escaped from the large crowd, making me suddenly feel very overwhelmed. I felt stupid for trusting Adrien. How could he already fuck up just a day after I thought we were finally okay. I felt my stomach drop as I glared harshly at Adrien.

He didn't seem like he gave a care in the world, making me even more pissed then I already was. He was the definition of a total Jack ass.

I didn't notice that the rest of his speech was over with, and when I did, Adrien was walking back towards our seat using the middle aisle of the seats, where everyone could see. I knew that everyone was watching him get back to his seat, and others were looking at me, wondering who had captured Paris's man.

When Adrien reached our aisle, I quickly stood up. There was no way in hell I was staying here with him. I used the other side of the aisle, quickly tripping over people to get towards the door which was about 40 feet away.

"Marinette!" I heard Adrien yell.

I knew all eyes were on us, wondering what was happening.

I was mad that I had Adrien's dress on, which was making me slower to escape, I was mad that I had agreed to become friends with him again, and I was mad that I trusted him. I was mad that no matter how many times Adrien had hurt me, I somehow was able to come back to him.

And I knew that this time... this time there was no way I could forgive him.

He had gotten away with too many things, and I had been blind to it all.

I was almost to one of the large doors of the very large room, when I felt a hand tug my hand. "Let go of me!" I ripped my hand away, and turned towards Adrien. "You do not have the right to even touch me!" I didn't care that everyone could hear what was going on.

Adrien kept his hands to himself, his eyes on mine. "Can we at least take this into the hallway, everyone's looking." He whispered.

"Oh fuck off!" I yelled pushing him away.

"Marinette I know you're mad but-."

"Just shut up Adrien! I'm done, you betrayed my trust. Once Again! Hell, I don't even care if everyone can hear this anymore!" I looked around at the crowd. I knew this would be all over the news, which enraged me even more, even if I didn't care anymore. "Everyone can know what a sick bastard you are." My head shook as I said it. The crowd gasped around me.

"We are done. I am done. Do not text me, talk to me, come near me. Just stay away from me!" My hands flew frantically. "I am going back to Paris, where I can be alone and away from you!"

I turned towards the door, "Marinette, I'm-."

"Stay the fuck away from me Adrien." My head turned towards him as I said it. I didn't show him any tears, he didn't deserve it after the shit he pulled. Those few words were able to shut him up, and he took a step back. He finally got the message.

My head turned back towards the door, and I quickly escaped the gala.


It has been two weeks since the incident, and not only have I been the talk of all the media for these past two weeks, I haven't left my house, haven't slept, and have only spent my days watching romantic comedies with ice cream.

I hated romantic comedies, they were never true, and I found myself crying every second of the way. I've dogged all of Alya's calls, and I knew that I was being a horrible best friend, especially since her wedding was just in a few weeks. I knew I had to woman up, and be there for her, but I also knew I would be a killjoy of a mood.

All of our high school girl friends would be apart of her brides maids, and I of course was the maid of honor, though I knew I didn't deserve it by the way I've been acting recently.

I was glad that I was able to ignore Adrien, even if he sometimes stood outside my door everyday like a stalker. There was also paparazzi outside of my apartment, which was part of the reason why I haven't stepped outside.

Everything that had gone downhill in my life, even my parents, was partially Adrien's fault. I glanced up at the movie, watching as the guy gave the girl a rose and a peck on the cheek. "He doesn't mean it Lily! He's gonna be a back stabber!" I yelled at the screen, throwing popcorn at the TV like they could actually hear me.

The guy on the screen reminded me of Adrien, making me feel even more internal tourmoil. My life has become bull shit all together. I wish I had Tikki, but she's still in the miracle box with the other Kwami's.

I sighed, finally deciding to get off of the couch. I knew I looked and smelt horrible, and that this apartment was a total mess. I hid light from being able to enter into my apartment since I really didn't want to see the outside world again.

I knew I was being a total ass hole, but I just needed this time to myself again.

So I reluctantly turned off the TV, and began my cleanup of the apartment and myself. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, vacuumed the whole place, did my laundry, and even did the dishes. It was a very quick turn around that I needed.

The last thing that I did was spray some perfume and febreeze around the place, since it still melt horrible, like sweat and popcorn. When I was finally done I got dressed in something that I could actually wear out, and went to the door.

I didn't expect to open my door and already see my worst enemy on the other side with his hand at an angle indicating that he was about to knock. His eyes widened in surprise, while I rolled my eyes.

"I'm getting a restraining order." I joked. I wasn't going to let Adrien ruin my plans of having a day about me. I walked outside of my place, then closed and locked the door with my key before walking off without another word.

He didn't deserve any attention I gave him.

"Marinette can we just talk?" I heard him ask. I kept up my long strides, not caring that when I stepped outside of the complex, there would be about a million cameras on me. "Marinette can you please stop ignoring me?" He asked with a whine.

I remember specific telling him to stay away from me. Now I know that he doesn't even listen. If he truly loved me like he said he did, he would have at least did what I asked for a little while.

I wanted absolutely no contact with him.

"Marinette." I felt a hand gently tug my hair, making me turn around and glare at Adrien. His cheeks had a bright pink laced on him, and his green eyes lit up at the small attention I was giving him. "Can we please just.... talk?" He asked with a smile again.

"No." I smiled sweetly, turning back around towards the entrance of the apartment complex. As soon as I stepped outside, many camera flashes began to go off, proving that there were many people stalking me that I didn't know.

I flipped them off, not caring for how unprofessional I looked, and heading to my car an in uncaring walk. When people started to swarm towards me, I just showed them that I simply didn't care, and just pushed through them while ignoring there questions.

When I got to my car I drove off without warning, making people jump quickly away from my car. For once I felt free.

A/N: what would you guys do if Adrien treated you like that?

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