12. Gala

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Marinette's POV

"Adrien, Adrien! Who is this Lady with you tonight?!" That was the first question that was asked as soon as we got out of the Limo. It was expected, of course, but it didn't mean that it wasn't aggravating. People could be so nosy.

Adrien kept his body in front of mine, while he had a bodyguard in front of him and behind me. He had doubled his security after what had happened the other day since he wanted me to feel just a little bit safer. And it worked.

I wasn't someone who would get easily spooked, unless it was a scary movie.

We ignored all of the questions, but I think the camera people didn't get the hint that we weren't answering anything. They kept up with their questioning even as we were getting into the entrance and leaving them, making our way inside of the gala. Just from the entrance I could see how interesting the gala was going to be. Not only were the colors on the wall making the white marble pop, the music that was playing set the perfect mood for a perfect night. The building was huge, and would be able to fit over 15,000 people, mostly made of celebrities and space for cameras.

Adrien kept me by his side the whole time as we made our way through the building, finally finding the humongous ball room which looked much bigger then it did on the outside.

The place was already jam packed with other well known influencers, making me feel a bit apprehensive about myself. I felt misplaced, since I have only just recently been gaining attention, and that was just because I was always with Adrien.

Alya and Nino looked like they were already having a great time too, since they had run off somewhere.

"Hello, Beautiful." A smooth familiar voice said. I felt someone take my hand, giving it a light kiss. I looked up towards the tall man, meeting the bright green eyes of the person. He looked practically identical to Adrien, and I quickly Identified him as Felix, Adrien's cousin.

Felix was also well known in the modeling department which was a given because of the twin like similarities the two shared. They were both handsome, and the way they acted mirrored each other, even if Felix was all fake.

"This beautiful girl is my girlfriend." I heard Adrien speak up, coming next to me and placing a possessive hand around my waist. Although the dress was huge, Adrien found a way to fill the small space around it.

"Are you sure? I've only seen her on the news rather recently. It's not like you have properly announced that you are together." Felix smirked, grabbing my hand to place another kiss on it.

"Very funny Felix, I just hope you can last as long as you talk. I mean I've never heard Marinette complaining." Adrien sarcastically chuckled. I pinched Adrien's hand as soon as the words slipped from his mouth. He was being very annoying, and what he had just said had rubbed me the wrong way. Even if it was kind of hot. It was not needed, and brought out of no where.

"You've never heard me complain because I keep my thoughts to myself." I said out of no where, glad that I could match Adrien's energy. Adrien's hand squeezed my waist, while I pinched his hand again.

Felix's eyes seemed to be calculated as he stared at Adrien with a glare. I could see the rage hidden behind the dips of green in his eyes. "He didn't mean to say that, Felix." I shot a short glare at Adrien before returning my attention back to his cousin.

"Yeah, I know. My wonderful cousin has been spitting unfunny jokes for years. I've gotten used to them by now." Adrien's hand tightened around my waist and I thought I heard a grumble leave his lips.

"You want me to show you something unfun-."

"Luka!" I yelled, leaving Adrien's tight grasp and heading over to my old best friend. His arm was draped around Chloe's hip as he headed my way. I smiled, because seeing him happy usually made me feel happy. "I'm so glad you're hear, you don't know how grateful I am!"

He smiled for a second before blowing a piece of his hair out of his face. "Did that dick Adrien do something to you or something?" He asked so casually, making me feel very amused. "I thought I was gonna hear a scramble between him and Felix."I nodded my head in response.

"Let's just hope that we can get through the night, right?" I chuckled.

"Hey, you tired." Adrien asked as we sat through the award ceremony. I didn't know how I was somehow able to fit into my chair with my humongous dress on, but Adrien and I somehow made it work.

I yawned, giving my answer to Adrien's question. "I think I can last, don't want to miss anything that you get." I whispered, feeling my eyes get hazy. Adrien pecked my cheek, then looked at me weirdly. He was getting oddly comftorable.

"You know you're amazing right?" He suddenly asked and whispered, making me feel self conscious. I felt my eyebrows raise in confusion.

"What did I do?" I asked back.

"I don't know... be Marinette." He turned back to the ceremony, making me blush and become slightly annoyed. I didn't trust Adrien like I used too, so I didn't know if this was part of his game or not. He had always had a flirty personality, which made it quite difficult to determine if he really meant it.

"I'm gonna go and-um- I'm gonna go and freshen up." I quickly raised from the chair, causing a bunch of eyes to look at me, but I honestly didn't care. Adrien's hand tugged me back down towards the seat, and he gave me an unknowing glare.

"The best influencer awards coming up, I don't want you to miss this." He shushed me. I nodded my head in understanding. If he won this award, then I would miss it.

We waited for about 5 minutes before the spokes men came up. I felt Adrien's hand tense in mine as he started to talk on the stage.

"This award is given towards the influencer that has changed the era of fashion..." as soon as he said that, I think the whole crowd knew who he was going to call up. "This young one has many many years ahead of them, and they're still growing!" He yelled, grabbing the whole crowds attention. "And we all know them as..." it became quiet for a few seconds, "Adrien Agreste! My doubled A man!"

Adrien shot up from his seat with a bright smile on his face, while I did the same right behind him. I wanted to give him a hug as a congratulations, since I knew this was very big for him, but he didn't seem to give me any attention. He quickly scurried down the aisle as the lights followed him, then made his way onto the stage, taking the humongous award away from the spokesmen.

His blonde messy hair tried to cover his brilliant smile, but Adrien swiped it away and out of his face, giving the crowd a noticeable wink. The spokesmen handed the microphone off to Adrien, urging Adrien to speak into it. I smiled, simply glad that Adrien had gotten to where he wanted to be, even if it was without me.

"First off, I want to thank all of my fans, who I consider family." The round of applause began to die down as he started his speech off. "You guys have given me everything, and I am ever so grateful to be able to live in a time where people think highly of me." I was stunned, Adrien actually sounded smart.

I saw his eyes scan the crowd, then stop when they reached mine. He paused for a second, then began to say some words that I knew he was going to regret. "I also want to thank my beautiful Fiancé!"

My eyes widened, not caring for all the eyes that had turned my way. Adrien had once again broken my trust, and this time it felt like I was seeing red. He had definitely gone way to far.

What. The actual. FUCK.

A/N: Okay so I know I haven't posted on this story for a long time, but I think I finally figured out how I want this story to go. I think it's gonna be a mix of enemies to lovers / fake dating to lovers / (I know it's a lot to take in) lovers to enemies to lovers trope. (LMAO) What do y'all think?

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