Chapter 13

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Love can cure the wounds that seem to be unfixable...
Playlist: freaking me out by ava max You will not leave from under this table do you understand! He spits viciously at me and I cry in fear. If you ever try talking back to me or disobeying I swear you brat this punishment will seem like nothing compared to what I can do! He continues seething those hatred words and I make sure to stay quiet. Once he notices that I'm not disobeying he leaves and locks the door and I'm left under this wooden table with no blanket or pillow, just this hard floor all alone, I want to go home. As the clock strikes 3 I managed to pull the screw out of one of the legs of the table, my nails Are bleeding and my heart is racing, I quickly tiptoe on the cold floor making sure to make no sound whatsoever, once I make it to the door I try picking the lock and I thank the lord once it unlocks. The hallway is dark and all the rooms in the school are closed shut, this is my chance it's my chance to run. I quickly rush through the kitchen but I fall in the making causing a pot to fall, my heart stops right there, and there

What are you doing! You bitch get back here a voice echoes at the back of me but I lift myself and run but the kitchen door is closed, and as soon as I know it the entire girls are in the kitchen looking at my shaking body petrified for my life, all of them having some sort of bruise on them due to the misery these guys put us through

There you are! Move out of my way he shouts pushing the girls out of the way and I scatter in fear to the corner

Help me! Help me I yell frantically as Im pulled by my hair and the girls look away in fear, and some in tears

Offense, Swazi get over here. He yells angrily and the two ruthless boys appear with smiles on their faces

Get away from me I try to fight, but offense slaps me onto the floor

You, ve been cheeky these days haven't you ? my princess he seethes with a dirty smug on his face and I spit in his face out of hatred

You bitch! He yells in my face heaving a fist over my face ready to hit me making me flinch but sir stops him

Take her to the black room, sir says with an evil smirk and I cry out as they lift me pulling me by my arms through the girls as they look away at my appearance

No ! No! Please help me I yell at the top of my lungs feeling as if I'm going to pass out but they continue pulling me, they going to rape me !! Help

Stoppppp! I yell in fright making me jump up from my sleep, my body sweating and hair damp. Stacey sits by my side in shock and worry

It's okay ally it's just a dream she tries to comfort me as she holds me tightly and I sob out, the memories it just doesn't want to leave they don't want to leave me.

Sssshhhh it's okay she soothes me patting my hair and I pull away sniffing

I'm sorry I woke you up I say in a groggy voice my eyes puffy

Are you crazy why are you apologizing, she says with a soft smile

What time is it I say trying to change the mood and the heavyweight that lays on top of us

It's 6:30 she says cautiously and I drop my head lazily on the pillow and stare at the ceiling, the silence takes over and she soon joins me

They took me to the room I say in a whisper the memories flashing back like it was just yesterday. I never obeyed him and I tried to run ... so they took me to the black room I mumble out into the air my words barely audible

What happened in the room? Stacey asks sadly Shifting closer

Suffocating nightmares that drown you for life I breathe out before staring off to space and she grabs my hand

Drowning Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя