Chapter 12

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Playlist: party monster the weekend, kiwi harry styles
I wanna fuck you slow with the lights on type of sex you can never put a price on
Where are we going Harry says through laughter because I attempt to cover his eyes but due to his tall figure I fail miserably

Just come on I say excitedly because for once I'm surprising someone in a good way. Close your eyes I demand and guide him across the road and behind the dark alley, and instantly our ears are  filled with banging music

Okay seriously now where are we he says curiously as he opens his eyes, and looks at me in confusion because we behind an old building with a rusty red metal door

Why don't you open the door I say with a grin on my face and he raises his eyebrows questionably

If I die today, my corpse will come to haunt you he mocks before placing his hands on the cold metal handle and pushing it open

Why? never been in a doggy place mr golden boy I mock but before he can reply his taken back by the scenery happening in front of him, bodies dancing and jamming to the rock star band singing killer songs and colors of neon lights reflecting his shocked but yet intrigued gaze

We at a concert he yells over the loud music with a smile showing his two wholes in his Cheeks, and my stomach turns in more excitement knowing that he likes it

Right now yes, but later you will be at the concert I yell over the music pulling him towards the crowd before he can question me, and our bodies dance to the music, laughter filling my lungs after years, watching how Harry rocks out of his comfort zone to rock and roll music, he grabs a hold of my hips and turns me around my back facing him in one instant movement, sweat drips from our bodies but instead of his grip causing fear it causes an irruption of euphoria, my eyes shut instantly in desire as our bodies grind closer together and I can feel his area harden through his tight sexy jeans, all thoughts are lost in the moment every thought every emotion is gone and I'm in this happy bubble of Harry, his like my own little brand of ecstasy and I'm high on him. A whip of confidence overtakes me and I turn around to wrap my arms around his neck, and even though the music is hard and heavy, with people jumping and chanting, I swear it's as if everything disappeared, time froze and my heart stopped, his eyes just devouring me. I can't help but place my hands on his shoulder moving it up again to his gorgeous face, I wet my lip with my tongue as need boils down right at the bottom of my pit, his lips looking like candy, my fingers touch his lips and his mouthparts, his next move is so instinctively his hands gripping my face hard but yet gently, and when his mouth moves hungrily with mine, I lose it a moan escapes my lips through this loud music his holds move from my face to my ass, pulling me closer the kiss deepening, we need to stop before we make a porn movie in front of everybody. Gasping for air my face red and heated a smirk placed on his face and I slap his arm playfully making him place a small kiss on my nose.

The music stops and the host appears his rocking but yet charming smile makes the crowd go crazy and Harry gives me that weird look I always catch him giving when I smile and scream like the rest of the crowd

Well well! Wasn't that rockier the host yells energetically and the crowd yells in response. But it gets better people because today we have a new artist give it up for Harry stones he yells and the crowd goes wild including me but when I look at Harry his face is pale and in shock

Harry where you at man the guy asks on the mic and people look around confused

Harry get up there I push and he runs his hands through his hair

Are you crazy he yells whispers in panic and I hold the bridge of my nose before I grab a hold of his hand

Look for once Harry do something you love I know you, love music I know that this is your space be free I yell encouragingly and his face softens

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