Chapter 1

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Playlist: red dust James Vincent
It's the middle of the night and the only sound audio able is the gushing wind from the winter cold outside, the trees paint a picture with its multiple brunches and my brain can't help but wonder about the dreadful thoughts of silence... a silence that can be done within a second, with the help of a rope that could hang from the rigid branches of the swaying tree ...
I close my eyes as the sensation of a sharp pain evokes my wrist and I silently sob with my eyes tightly shut as the memory of misery comes flooding

Sshhh close your eyes my ally it will hurt for a    little while, his breath brushes heavily across my face as his body forces itself into me I try to pick up my thoughts and mind but I'm tired and the pain keeps on gushing, I can't I want him to stop! this isn't what I wanted, I try to move. I try to escape but with one movement and surging pain a groan escapes his lips and my heart aches I stiffen in pain but he refuses to acknowledge the fear and tears that begin to prickle at the corners of my eyes! It hurts it hurts! It's burning! Stop! Stop the echoes of my voice sticks midway down my throat as his movements become more rigid and fast I squirm but I'm too late...

With the memory that floods my mind guilty consciousness settles with the knot that became well known in the middle of my stomach, I slice harder across my wrist as I try to drench the horror away

You bleeding what's that smell he says angrily and I jolt up from the mattress in a matter of seconds before dashing off into the bathroom and slamming the door shut, I crumble with sobs my heart racing and my chest tensing up, the blood I'm laced with the smell !, I try to scrub it off with the rough tissue left near the toilet, I cry and sob and I ask myself what am I doing here I want to go home is the lonely whimper my heart starts to scream

Stop I bang my head in agony because the blade is no longer satisfying, it's not taking these awful memories away. I drown in my sorrows with blood starting to run like a river on my white sheets. It's not enough I need to take it away, so I cut deeper as I suck in my breath and taste my salty tears

Allison stop my baby brother yells historically at the scenery his eyes catch. In shock, I quickly try to hide the blade but it's too late when I see my mom running in. Sorrow and tiresome show through her brown tired eyes as she frantically tries to cover my slits that overflows  with the blood from my wrist

Oh my baby what have you done?! my mom sobs as she tries to pick, my shattered pieces up, and I can't help but feel numb. Tommy my baby brother stands in complete shock at the door as he stares at my cold pale body that my mother tries to fix  helplessly

I'm sorry mum I manage to say through a tired breath and she silences me, as she gently wipes away my tears that just continues to drop

Stay with me ally okay the ambulance is on their way baby, she says worriedly as she tries to shake me awake

I tried to forget momma I tried I mumble as my tears just endlessly roll down my face and soon all I can hear is the faint sound of sirens but yet I stay dead inside

Hey guys for this chapter I would in courage you to listen to red dust by James Vincent xoxo thank you 😚😚

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