Chapter 9

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Playlist: coming in hot Lecrae and andy mineo
The yard is filled with drunk teenagers, but it gets worse when we enter the house. It's packed with rubbing bodies grinding against each other leaving no room to observe this house

Gross Chloe states and I chuckle, yip she is not going to like this

Come on guys let's get a drink Stacey yells over the music, making her way to the kitchen that's messed up with cups and spilled alcohol. talk about Dirty

I'm not drinking I state, a reminder of how I have a problem settles in, I know after one glass I won't be able to stop

Are you serious right now! Stacey yells over the music

Yes, I'm serious, I have a drinking problem so don't force me I state bluntly annoyed with her new behavior. Guilt quickly settles on her face as she hides her face away while drinking

Hey ladies can I get you a drink, a horny drunk dude slurs through the music and I grunt, this is why I don't do this type of stuff unless I'm wasted too

Em Ewww Chloe spits out in disgust and I do not blame her

Hey now don't be so feisty he slurs once more but more aggressive making a knot form in my stomach

We not interested get lost I coldly yell at him over the music but he ignores me and, grabs a hold of Stacey's wrist with mine

Stop let go Stacey shrieks and I feel the knot building up a memory of pain flashes before me

Hey get off them an English accent growls, and I'm taken back when I realize it's not Harry, instead it's a gorgeous guy with black raven hair and hazel eyes, I can't hide the fact that I'm disappointed it's not Harry saving us.

Wow chill dude I was just having fun the disgusting boy slurs as he stumbles back before he walks away into the busy crowd, making raven head face us

Are you guys, okay he yells over the music as he holds Stacey's shoulder comfortingly, and that's when I see it! That's when I see the reason why Stacey was so persistent on coming here ! she's drooling over him

I hmmm huh she mumbles nervously her cheeks flushed. She's ruining the moment

This is her crush Chloe whispers in my ear and I nod understandingly

She's in shock you should probably take her to the bathroom or something to splash her face I say with a smirk .pay back bitch

It's okay Zayn she mutters out shyly and he smiles lightly at her nervousness

No, it's not okay Stacey, clearly, you still in shock, don't listen to her take her to the bathroom Chloe insists as she winks at me.

Yeah, they probably right let's go Zayn says caringly, gently taking her arm and walking away, with her stunned self. Well life certainly knows how to work itself out

Who the hell is he I yell out in a huge grin to Chloe

That's Zayn stone Harry's brother, they the two-pack of hotness in this boring town Chloe states as it's the most obvious thing. Wow Harry has a brother

Chloe you here! A girl with glasses yells excitedly, she looks very tipsy

Andy oh my god you wasted Chloe laughs at I'm guessing at Andys appearance

Oh my gosh you have to dance with me Andy yells as she takes Chloe's arm completely ignoring your existence but Chloe hesitantly stops looking at me for permission

Go have fun I encourage her, pushing her towards her friend and she mouths thank you before vanishing off

Well guess that leaves me alone As I thought
Finally, I started thinking that you would never show up an English voice says behind me and I can't fight the smile that forms

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