Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"Mistress Elect! We see you don't yet have a seventh court member, and we are offering ourselves as possible choices." Goat Horns said.

"Oh, uh, thanks, but I have a seventh choice already; that person is just far away." In fact, I had a pile of letters to read since my popularity had risen at the party.

"I understand, Mistress Elect. But, please consider us. I saw how you tried to help us, and I can tell you are a Lady of mercy!" Goat horns sounded like he was about to cry, making me peek at him. His chin was trembling, and his odd eyes grew wide with a panicking sorrow.  I hazarded a glance at all five, then realized they were the rest of the men that had helped him. Not only was the artful rags guy frail-looking, so were the rest. Even the centaur's ribs were showing. Pity flowed over me, and I knew it wasn't just me that pitied them.

"These men are beggars, slaves, rejected consorts, or possible prostitutes, Madeline. It is bad enough that your court is not composed of Sidhe nobles." Luke's nose wrinkled in distaste as he tried to put his hand over my eyes once more. Despite his words and actions, he was pitying them the most. There was also shame, and I figured out his real issue was shame for not having enough power to prevent such abuses.

"Stop it." I smacked his hand away. "If we're basing my choices on what they've done in the past, then where does that leave me? I'm not some glossy lady with a silver spoon, no matter who my mother was. I had to hustle, err... well, not in the literal sense. No offense." I nodded at Artful rags.

"None taken, My Lady."

"Your name and family ascend you far above these offals," Luke scoffed as he rubbed the hand I'd smacked.

"Not if I don't live up to my mother's expectations. I don't think she'd want me to leave helpless people alone." More shame rose from Luke, along with a feeling of respect for me.

"Matt, you don't even know these men. You should be careful." Dom stepped squeezed my shoulders, worried. 

"Dom, they resemble extras for the fantasy rewrite of Les Mis."

"Still! Desperate men do desperate acts, Matt. You should be careful!" Dom pressed.

"I'll make an oath! I will also give you my true name!" Artful cried as he fell prostrate at my feet with the others doing the same while crying for mercy.

"Luke, Ciaran, what is he saying?" I muttered out of the side of my mouth. Then I gestured for the males to stand.

"He is offering to bond himself to you with nothing in return. Making an oath means he is willing to put himself under a geas to you. Despite how shameful it is, when he gives you his true name, you will have complete power over him." Luke said with even more loathing. "He is groveling."

"I will grovel as well if it means a home with the Lady," This statement came from another of the scantily dressed men. He was less emaciated than the rest of them, and his outfit wasn't quite as scandalous though still over-the-top.  He was wearing a chest-baring, fuschia shirt, and he wore jeans so tight I worried about his ability to make children. Although he had horse-like ears and a horsetail that swished from the back of his jeans, he otherwise looked human. His eyes were large and brown, with fan-like lashes I swore must have been extensions. He was handsome. No. Scratch that. He was beautiful. He could have passed as a supermodel with his shining, long black mane of hair and height. He was about as tall as Luke, but his height made him look willowy instead of imposing. When he noted that I was looking at him with more admiration than the rest, his mouth curled up in pleasure, and my heart lost its ability to beat. The smile only transcended him further along with those perfect cheekbones, big eyes, and glorious mouth. What kind of creature was this man?

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