
19 1 1

Lily: I put the pun in punishment.

Marlene: I put the top in unstoppable.

Alice: I put the cute in execute.

Remus: I put the sexy in dyslexia.

Sirius: I put the ass in class.

James: I put the D in Lily.

Lily: JAMES! You can't TELL them!


James: Rules were made to be broken.

Lily: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.

Marlene: Uh, piñatas.

Remus: Glow sticks.

Sirius: Karate boards.

Alice: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.

James: Rules.

Lily: I'm going to leave now.


Alice: From now on we will be using code names.

Alice: You can address me as Eagle One.

Alice: Marlene is "been there done that".

Alice: Remus is "currently doing that".

Alice: Sirius is "it happened once in a dream".

Alice: James is "if I had to pick an idiot".

Alice: And Lily is...

Alice: Eagle Two

Lily: Oh thank god.

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