Into The Bunker-Part Two

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Much later, the group arrived at the spot in the woods. They surrounded a tall tree, and were observing it closely.

"Pine Tree, I don't want to question your judgement," Bill started. "But, why are we looking at a tree?"

"It appears that Ford's hideout is located underground," Dipper replied, then pointed to the tree. "And the entrance is under this tree."

Will blinked in confusion. "But, how are we suppose to--"

"No worries, we'll find a way," Mabel reassured him. "Let's see, Dipper can teleport--"

"Sorry, but no," Dipper interrupted. "I did enough teleporting this summer, and it's really starting to drain me."

"That's alright, maybe if we get some shovels--"

"It will take months to uproot this thing," Bill remarked.

Mabel rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "OK, here me out guys. We strike a deal with some mole people, and they'll dig for us...though, they might ask you to sacrifice your liver in return, so is that okay? I mean, you still have the other one, right?"

"Or, we can chop it down," Wendy said, holding up her axe.

Bill grinned her direction. "Now, you're speaking my language, Red. Either that, or I can just set it on fire."

"Sounds like a plan," Wendy agreed.

"Wait!" Will told them, quickly. "Before you two consider committing arson, look up, I think that branch might be a lever."

He looked upwards, and the others followed his gaze. High above, was a branch, that had a strange metallic sheen to it.

"Great eye, Will," Dipper smiled, then turned to the redhead. "Wendy, do you think you can climb up there?"

Wendy smirked in his direction. "Dipper, do you have any idea who you're talking to?"

And to prove her point, in a blink of an eye, the redhead scurried up the tree in seconds, before reaching the lever. Wendy swung her axe at it, hitting the switch.

"Nice work, Wendy!" Will cheered.

Wendy smiled down at them. "No problem, so what now--"

She was cut off, when the entire tree began to shake. Wendy's eyes widened, when the tree along with grass surrounding it, descented into the forest floor. The redheaded Guardian didn't hesitate, and jumped off the tree, before landing beside her friends. The whole group watched, as the tree sank halfway into a hole. Metal stairs formed around the trunk of the tree, spiraling towards the bottom of the pitch black pit.

"Even though I'm still mad at Ford, I have to admit that this is damn impressive," Dipper said, then turned to the group. "We're going in, make sure to stick together."

They nodded in agreement, before following the male brunette down the winding staircase. Bill lit fire to his palm, so that they could see in the darkness. Eventually, they reached an entrance, that led to a dusty room. The group looked around in amazement.

"Wow, it's like a fallout shelter," Will said, observing a shelf stacked with supplies.

Bill turned off his fire, and glared around suspiciously, before settling on the shelf with rations on it. "What kind of maniac would have canned meat as their only food source?"

"You underestimate how weird our family is," Mabel told him, while she snooped inside a locker. 

Meanwhile, Dipper was searching around the room, with a furrowed brow. "There's nothing here that can help us," He said, in frustration.

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