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No one would know, but Jungkook cried as those large pieces of stone fell onto his body.

He screamed and clutched his hands tightly as tears ran down his face. Not just because the pain was unbearable, but because he thought about his family.

"Jimin, my love, I'm sorry. Prince, my dear son, forgive me." Jungkook sobbed as his nails drew blood from his palm.

He felt oxygen slowly leave him as his eyes rolled to the back of his head before everything went dark. One last breath left his mouth. That was when everyone found him.

He was cold, he was bloody, and he wasn't responding.

When Jennie touched him he felt like a corpse. All that went through her head was "What about Jimin? How would he and Prince cope? What were they going to do? Not even Jungkook was this young when his parents passed away."

After the paramedics took his lifeless body away the mafia went to Jungkook's home immediately to drop the news off to the waiting omega. The sounds of sobs were all that filled the house. Mounts of pheromones were released and it was overwhelming for the one pup in the house. The ride to the hospital was quiet but mournful.

Jimin held his son tightly, the pup having fallen asleep after crying enough tears to fill a milk jug.

Once the hospital came into view, Jimin clutched his son and pulled him closer to his chest before the car stopped and the door was opened. He stepped out, still holding his sleeping son. He walked in, the mafia behind him and a doctor approached him.

"You must be Park Jimin, Jungkook's omega." The doctor gave Jimin a somber smile.

"Is he alive?"

Everyone held their breath. Waiting for the doctor's response.

"His heart is beating and air is making its way through his lungs, but he's extremely unstable. We need you to sign these papers saying we have consent to begin surgery." She handed him a clipboard.

Liz took Prince from him. Rocking the babe when he mumbled and stirred.

He sat down and read over everything quickly before signing the papers. She bowed and rushed off. Liz sat next to his brother and rested his head on his shoulder, Jimin placing his head on top of his younger brother's.

"Do you want dad and papa here? I haven't called them yet." Liz whispers.

Jimin sighed as he tried to keep from crying.

"I would really love a hug from dad."

Liz nods before reaching in his pocket, avoiding waking his nephew. He called Halo's phone who picked immediately, which is why he called him.

Halo would let any other number ring but if he sees his sons or husband, he answers as fast as he can.

"Hi, baby. You okay?" His sweet voice rang as there was the slight sound of pans clinging against each other.

"Pa, can you and dad come to Petal Medical?"

"Huh? What? Why? Is something wrong with you? Your brother? Our grandson?!"

"No, pa. We're all... well not good but we aren't physically harmed. It's Jungkook."

"What about him?" Leo's voice boomed.

Liz sighed.

"Can I explain everything when you two get here?"

"Okay fine, we're on our way right now." Leo hummed.

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