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Jungkook was sitting in his office chair looking at all the boxes he's yet to unpack sitting on the floor of his office. He was twisting slowly in his chair, with a cigarette between his fingers, blowing smoke out from between his lips. He was thinking hard about who ratted out their location and managed to get Jesibelle so close. It had to have been an inside job. He can't believe one of his own would back stab him like this.

He looked up as the door to his office opened. He raised an eyebrow as Samiah walked in proudly. She was wearing a white button up shirt but a brown sweater with a plaid diamond pattern on it, covered the white shirt. The collar of the shirt rests on the neck of the sweater. She wore a white skirt with folded creases in the skirt. White knee high socks and white sneakers.

Jungkook pulled the cigarette from his mouth that he just puffed before turning to her, putting the cigarette out. He placed his arms on his desk with his hands clasped together.


"So, as you know, I'm eighteen." She smiles.

Jungkook leans back in his chair.


"And how old were you when your mother trained you to run the mafia?"

Jungkook eyes her, licking his teeth before answering.

"Sixteen. Samiah, where are you going with this?" He inhales sharply as he leans forward.

"Okay so, I personally think you should take me on a mafia mission." Samiah nods.

"Are you insane?" Jungkook's face shows great confusion and disgust.

"What do you mean!? You let Ryan join at seventeen!"

Jungkook laughed.

"He came to us at seventeen. He joined at nineteen. Besides, the boy's experienced. He has a past of taking a few lives. You? The most you've killed is a fly." Jungkook sighs before standing up.

"You started even younger!"

"I started training, at sixteen, you want to go on a whole mission. With zero experience."

"Come on, King! What the hell! This is sexist!"

"In what way?" Jungkook leans over the desk with his hands on the surface.

"It's because I'm a girl."

"I have plenty of women in my mafia. So you know that's incorrect."

"It's because I'm an alpha!"

"That is very invaild. I'm an alpha too." Jungkook smirks with his head to the side.

"It's because I'm eighteen!"

"I told you why. You're inexperienced."

"Well, I can be experienced." Samiah crosses her arms and holds her head high.

Jungkook rolls his neck before standing straight, hands in his pockets before smirking to Samiah. "Next person to walk through the door is to train you. If they say no, no deal."

"What?! That's not fair!"

He laughed as his eyes shimmered watching the door open. His smile grew when he saw Ryan walk into the room.

"King, have you seen- Oh, there you are." Ryan smiled as he walked next to Samiah.

"Don't you have something to ask him, Samiah?"

Samiah squinted at him annoyingly. One of the two people she did not want to see. The first was of course her brother. He would say no before she could even open her mouth. He's extremely protective and won't even let her get anywhere near mafia matters. If he knew she came to Jungkook to ask this, he'd freak, screaming at Jungkook to say no.

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